The Treatment Effect of Alendronate with Different Proposals in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis |
Author | LiZhengYu |
Tutor | LiuJian; MengGuoLin |
School | Fourth Military Medical University |
Course | Clinical |
Keywords | alendronate osteoporosis postmenopausal BMD intervention |
CLC | R58 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 113 |
Quotes | 0 |
As China is going into the aging society, the incidence of osteoporosis has beenincreasing year by year. The osteoporotic fractures have caused a serious socialand economic pressure to our society. Therefore, to prevent osteoporosis andosteoporotic fractures have been becoming particularly important.Objective Alendronate is one of the clinical preferred drugs for treatingpostmenopausal osteoporosis. The purpose of this research is to observe theeffect of different proposals using alendronate on bone mineral density (BMD)and the side effects with alendronate in postmenopausal osteoporotic patients.Methods80postmenopausal women aged49-79years from2differentcommunities were enrolled in this research.They had menostasis for3-31years.80patients were randomly divided to2groups: the lower and normaldose group. Patients in the lower does group were given70mg alendronateevery2weeks and in the normal does group were given70mg alendronateevery week for24months.All the patients were given Caltrate D3600mg every day. BMD was measured in Lumbar2-Lumbar4(L2-L4),femoral necks,greater trochanters and stems. Adverse reactions, new fractures and differentchanges about blood, liver and kidney functions were detected before and afteradministration.Results①BMD in L2-L4,femoral necks, greater trochanters and stemsincreased in both groups after treating (p<0.05).The lower does group has thesame effects (p﹥0.05) as the normal dose group in the BMD of the L2-L4,femoral necks and stems.②The blood, liver and kidney functions were in thecommon ranges before and after treatment in both groups. The both doseproposals were safe.③The mainly adverse reaction was abdominal discomfort,which was more severe in the normal dose group (p<0.05).④Both of thegroups have no new fractures.Conclusion It is safe and effective to use alendronate to treat postmenopausalosteoporosis. The lower dose group has the same effects as the normal dosegroup in the BMD of the L2-L4, femoral necks and stems, and the lower doseproposal has less adverse reactions. It is also an easy and economic proposal totreat postmenopausal osteoporosis. We recommend the lower dose proposal totreat postmenopausal osteoporosis in clinical.