Study on Positioning Puncture Technology by Percutaneous Pedicle of Percutaneous Vertebro Plasty and Per-cutaneous Kyphoplasty |
Author | YuanCuiHua |
Tutor | WangChun |
School | Fujian Medical |
Course | Surgery |
Keywords | pedicle percutaneous vertebral plastic puncture needle entry point anatomy |
CLC | R687.3 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 75 |
Quotes | 0 |
Objective:The key to which Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty percutaneous puncturesuccessfully is that the puncture needle can reach the vertebral bodythrough the pedicle accurately. Therefore the correct point and thedirection which doctor determine percutaneous puncture needle into theneedle under X ray is very important. Current reports in the documentsabout puncture methods of puncture point and the puncture angle are notfixed, and the reports about the puncture needle piercing the medialpedicle wall of this complication are also rare, so we must study thepercutaneous pedicle entry point and direction of the anatomical andradiological so that we can find a safe, effective puncture point andthe puncture angle.Material and Methods:1.Study the best entry point of percutaneous vertebroplasty in the Xperspective:in the chest,lumbar bone specimens (T6-L5) for anatomicstudy for pedicle axis to vertebral body rear anatomical position, thebest entry point where anatomical position is a percutaneous punctureneedle, the anatomy miniature screw fixation position to proceedfluoroscopy analysis of the best entry point in the X under fluoroscopywith pedicle developing position,in order to find the X perspective underthe best entry point.2.Study best needle angle on percutaneous vertebroplasty:adultthoracic,lumbar bone specimens (T6-L5) for autopsy and CT scanningmethod two kinds of methods for the measurement of pedicle of vertebralsagittal axis and the angle between the two lines of the average value.The experimental data will use statistical software SPSSl3.0to analyze so as to look for the best needle points of X perspective.3.Group the experiment:set the traditional method of puncture ascontrol group,the method1,2results obtained optimal puncture site andangle setting for the improved puncture method,and the improved puncturemethod for the experimental group. Two methods of percutaneous punctureof the vertebral body experiment, statistics of the two groups of punctureneedle through pedicle of the inner wall of the probability, theexperimental data using the statistical software SPSSl3.0and Excel7.0processing and analysis.Results:1.The best entry point of percutaneous vertebroplasty under Xfluoroscopic X-ray:the left pedicle projection9area, right pedicleprojection3area.2.The optimal needle angle of percutaneous vertebroplasty:lumbarspine:L1~L4of5to10degrees,and the L5is generally20degrees,not more than25degrees,thoracic T6~T12is about5degrees.3.Puncture needle pierced the medial pedicle wall of the probabilityof the experimental group was3.17per thousand,a control group of12.07per thousand,statistical probability difference significant difference,with statistical significance.Conclusion:The conclusion is that the probability of the experimental groupimproved puncture needle puncture method of pedicle of the inner wall isless,and the probability of damaging to nerve,spinal cord is also less,The puncture method is worthy of clinical because it is relatively safe,