Dissertation > Medicine, health > Neurology and psychiatry > Psychiatry > Schizophrenia

Three Cases of Schizophrenia

Author HuangWanLi
Tutor CaiWei
School Zhejiang University
Course Psychiatry and Mental Health
Keywords Schizophrenia Clinical features Treatment
CLC R749.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder for which the pathophysiology remains largely unknown. It associates with abnormalities of brain structure and function. Schizophrenia is characterized by profound disruption in cognition and emotion, affecting the most fundamental human attributes:language, thought, perception, affect, and sense of self.’Schizophrenia has a life prevalence of about1%in the general population. The patients tend to have low quality of life, adopt bad habit, due to schizophrenia affects the social function such as work, relationship with other. Moreover antipsychotic has great influence on cardiovascular system, they are more likely to have physical comorbidity and greatly life expectancy reduction. Schizophrenia systematic reviews conclude that antipsychotic drugs are effective in treating overall symptoms of psychosis and in preventing relapse.2Other treatment such as mECT, psychological-social intervention also play important roles.

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