Dissertation > Literature > Chinese Literature > The body of literature reviews and research > Poetry,verse > Poem

The Exploration of Stephen Owen’s Studies of Tang Poetry

Author CaiYan
Tutor YangCunChang
School Shandong Normal University
Course Literature and Art
Keywords Stephen Owen Studies of Tang Poetry the History of the Tang Dynasty poetry Historical Context Text Close Reading
CLC I207.22
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
Downloads 33
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Contemporary American sinologist Stephen Owen’s Tang PoetryTranslation and Research have had a significant impact in WesternSinologists and Chinese academia. This paper take his Tang Dynastypoetry series" The Poetry of the Early Tang "," The Great Age of ChinesePoetry: the High Tang "," The End of the Chinese Middle Ages’ Essays inMid-Tang Literary Culture " The Late Tang: Chinese Poetry of the Mid-Ninth Century(827一860)", as the main objects, and works mainlydiscuss his Tang Dynasty poems re-interpretation of the text and historyin order to find its innovations in the process of interpretation of the TangDynasty poetry. Combined with the methods Owen used in the study ofTang Dynasty poetry process, analyzing the misinterpretation andmisreading, and finally summarized research on China’s Tang Dynastypoetry. The text is divided into five parts:Part I: Introduction. A brief introduction to Stephen Owen’s life experiences, combined with domestic and foreign scholars’ research onStephen Owen to explore the significance and methods of the topic.Part II: Stephen Owen’s unique insight on the history of Chineseliterature,especially the History of the Tang Dynasty poetry, draw hismost inspiring points in the study of the history of the Tang Dynastypoetry, such as the distinction between the literary history and dynastichistory;put forward the point of view of the history of literary history isnot famous; complex relationship between the various components of theliterary history; to rebellion and followed of the poetic tradition as aclue,and focus on combing Stephen Owen’s history of the Tang Dynastypoetry writing;Part III: From the perspective of methodological to analyse methods usedto study the Tang Dynasty poetry-historical description, text closereading, combined with the example of an explanation;Part IV: Analyze misinterpretation and misreading in Poetry connotation and Poet image in Stephen Owen’s research on Tang Dynasty poetry,taking interpretation of Du Fu’s poetry for example;Part V: Analyze enlightenment of Stephen Owen’s research on TangDynasty poetry, combined with domestic research status of Tang Dynastypoetry.Part VI: Conclusion. Summarize drawbacks in Domestic studies of TangDynasty poetry and Stephen Owen’s superiority on it.

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