A Comprehensive Survey of the Study on Ejina Bamboo Slips of Han Dynasty |
Author | SongShengRu |
Tutor | XuZhengKao |
School | Jilin University |
Course | Chinese Philology |
Keywords | Ejina Han bamboo slips Review Typeface Character Variants |
CLC | H123 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 64 |
Quotes | 0 |
From1999to2002, the staff of the Institute of Autonomous of theInner Mongolia Region discovered and unearthed500bamboo slips ofHan times in Ejina banner. Most Ejina bamboo slips can be dated to theperiod from the middle Former Han dynasty to the early Latter Handynasty. The earliest Annals to see is Han Emperor Shenjue three, the lateto see is Han Guangwu Jianwu four. It is possible that very few of theremaining slips can be dated to the middle Latter Han dynasty based onthe form of style of calligraphy. The contents of Ejina bamboo slips aresimilar with those of previous Juyan slips, that is mainly administrativedocuments, which relate to the affairs of politics, economy and militaryof Han times. In addition, these slips also provide some fresh data, suchas the imperial edicts regarding ascending the throne, granting titles to theChanyu of Xiongnu and administrative statues issued by Wangmangwhich are first unearthed.The Ejina Bamboo Slips’interpretation of the texts were completed bythe Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social SciencesBamboosilk Mr. XieGuihua, Chinese Institute of Cultural Relics, Mr.LiJunming, Inner Mongolia Normal Mr. Baiyinchagan, Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Mr. WeiJian.The thesis is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction,the main thesis topic causes and writing ideas, and the Ejina Han Jian’sIntroduction. The second part is the Ejina Han bamboo slips’ Review ofthe research, bringing together all the research which were classifiedelaborated. The third part is the study on writing of Ejina bamboo slips,including font and glyphs. The typeface of Ejina Han Bamboo includeLishu, Caoshu, Xingshu and a very few of Kaishu. The research of Glyphmainly involves the text deciphered example and variant forms. Thefourth part is to see the appearance and development of the Han Dynastytext from Ejina Han Bamboo. The fifth part is the conclusion.