Study of Hui Dialect in the Drama "Mulian Saves and Persuades His Mother for Potice Justice" |
Author | CaoQiong |
Tutor | XiongYan |
School | Jinan University |
Course | Chinese Philology |
Keywords | “MuLian saves and persuades his mother for potice justice” Hui dialect wordexplanation |
CLC | H17 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 49 |
Quotes | 0 |
During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Zhi Zhen from Qimen, Huizhou, asthe writer-director of“MuLian saves and persuades his mother for potice justice”, made thewell-known story“Mulian saves his mother” become a large type of opera including intact storycontent and exquisite performing arts, which had a reaching influence on various types of operaall over the country. Although embellished by the scholar writer, the Zheng Edition of “MuLiansaves and persuades his mother for potice justice”preserved plenty of Hui dialects, idioms,common sayings and slangs, owing to the lead of the opera’s major audiences and definitecreation purpose of “making the common people moved to tears for realizing of justice sence, asa kind of help for poetic justice”This paper is focused on the study of the Hui dialets in the Zheng Edition of “MuLian savesand persuades his mother for potice justice”. Thereinto, Chapter1illustrates the stereotype oforigin and derivation, the research status of “MuLian saves and persuades his mother for poticejustice”, and also the study object’s definition of this paper. Chapter2summarizes the dialectsof “MuLian saves and persuades his mother for potice justice”, including Hui dialects andnon-Hui dialects. Chapter3and Chapter4discusses the relation respectively between the ancientChinese and the Hui dialects, and that between Middle Chinese/Modern Chinese and the Huidialects in “MuLian saves and persuades his mother for potice justice”. Chapter5presents the apreliminary exploration on the characteristic of the Hui dialects in “MuLian saves and persuadeshis mother for potice justice”. The last three chapters are regarded to be the key of the study,which concentrate on the research of the connection between the Hui dialcets and commonlyusedvocabulary, and of the use feature of verbs, function words and affixes in the Hui dialecs,through the description and discussion of the Ancient, Middle and Modern Chinese vocabularyin the Hui dialets in “MuLian saves and persuades his mother for potice justice”.