A Study on Classroom Communication Phenomenon in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language |
Author | YangShuo |
Tutor | ZhangZuoXin |
School | Lanzhou University |
Course | Chinese International Education |
Keywords | Teaching Chinese as a foreign language classroom communication cases |
CLC | H195 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 108 |
Quotes | 0 |
At the present time, the majority of theoretic research of teaching Chinese as a foreign language puts more emphasis on studying plans, academic programs, materials, methods of teaching and other macro-areas of research. However within the practice language teaching skills, classroom communication—the actual research of this micro-level still waits for deeper development. This research is committed to find the ways to improve classroom communication. This task calls for a combination of the theory and the practice. It is need to find the most effective way to achieve the ultimate goal of teaching Chinese as a foreign language-to perfect efficiency of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.This research mainly analyses teaching research and relevant outcomes of teaching Chinese as a foreign language international education research community. It is also comprehensive linguistics, second language acquisition teaching, cross-cultural communication, foreign language teaching, Chinese culture and many other theories. This paper takes Xi’an Bo-ai international school international department primary integrated class as a study and receive a serious of actual teaching cases in class and out of class. The situation of teaching cases is divided into teachers and students. Through these interviews, observation, quiz, to analyze the benefit and defect of nature language and nonverbal communication in teachers and students and to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses. This basic comes to the manner in which way to process the exchange activities for Chinese language classroom activities of promote students language acquisition, and how to ownership and control of those methods. This article also analysis about the situations which affect the language classroom exchanging, and it makes appropriate recommendations to improve classroom teaching.