Dissertation > Art > Dramatic Art > Theory of dramatic art > Theater aesthetics

Research Chinese opera clown's aesthetic

Author ZhangZuo
Tutor YangCunChang
School Shandong Normal University
Course Aesthetics
Keywords The Buffoon Comedy Comicality Aesthetic Creation Aesthetic Acceptance
CLC J801
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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In the traditional Chinese opera,buffoon has a long history and is valuable for research,this article is based on the predecessors study of opera, based on the study of the buffoon,starting from the aesthetic theory on the buffoon.The buffoon’s historical formation endured along process of development. To appreciate the buffoon to explore, we must first understandthe role of the development in opera performance.This article will begin with the formationprocess of the buffoon , and then trace the development of the buffoon, classify the buffoon,and in the second part analyze the three art aesthetic characteristics of the buffoon: theaesthetic essence of the buffoon--beauty hided in ugliness; the aesthetic form of thebuffoon--comicality; and the aesthetic effect of the buffoon--laugh.Beauty hided in ugliness is the most important features of the buffoon, the first section ofthis chapter will be starting by the opera case of the buffon to analyze how to conversion theugliness to the beauty,and then based on the analysis of the buffoon this article will displaythe relationship between the buffoon and comicality, and further discuss the significance ofcomicality and laugh in buffoon show, which is quite inventive to some extent, At the sametime,the buffoon also bring sadness to the audience,in this section I’ll make a brief explain.Inthe traditional Chinese opera, the buffoon has a significant difference from other roles. Andthe audiences also have different aesthetic requirements for different roles. The buffoon is notas demure or dignified as Dan, or as elegant or steady as the male lead, or as reckless orirritable as Jingjue. The buffoon is special. He has distinctive ideas and temperament and isincomparably persistent and sincere. He always represents the yearning for freedom.Therefore, the special clown is worthy of affirmation. And this will be discussed in detail inthe third part of the article. To study a role, we must also study audiences’acceptance of him.Only with this, the study can be said complete. As for the roles of traditional Chinese opera,the degree of audience’s acceptance and like also reveals the development of people’saesthetic consciousness. For this reason, the last part of this article will introduce therelationship between buffoon and traditional Chinese the psychology of culture and aestheticappreciation as well as the relationship between buffoon and public aesthetic acceptance. Different from the previous simple study of buffoon’s art performance, this article treatsthe buffoon as an aesthetic object and studies this role from perspectives of aesthetic theory,aesthetic creation, and Aesthetic acceptance etc. It is a process from point to surface andinterpreted in a systematic way the buffoon’s special aesthetic nature and artistic nature ofhiding beauty in ugliness.

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