Research on personalized language China contemporary female painters |
Author | ZhengShanShan |
Tutor | MaHuiLong |
School | Yunnan Normal University |
Course | Fine Arts |
Keywords | Female canvas Chinese contemporary Emotional experience |
CLC | J213 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 46 |
Quotes | 0 |
Since the1990s, China’s female artists whose status stand out slowly incontemporary art. More people are beginning to focus on the development of femaleart, which contains a number of male artists. Their works are often involved invarious art exhibitions.,which also receive a higher honor in our country and fill thegaps of the history of art in state records of women artiststo some extent. But thisdoes not mean that women artists have the same status as men artists,also does notmean that female painting or art is quite mature. But definitely, their own uniqueperspective and rich emotional experience form an artistic language and unique worksof art which are different from men. This thesis concentrate nineties of Chinesewomen who start the development of oil painting art,by representating female artistsof different contemporary works.,to interpret and analyse the causes of their personallanguage, and the historical position of women in painting and the tendency ofdevelopment.