Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > The world culture and culture > China > Cultural and thematic studies

The Research on Civic Culture Characteirstics and Cultivation in China

Author HeHua
Tutor TaoYanHua
School Hebei Normal
Course Political Theory
Keywords Civic culture Political culture Characteristics Cultivate
CLC G122
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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Political modernization is a systematic project, promoting democracy is an importantpath to achieve this goal. The realization of democratic politics depends on the conversion ofthe people in political psychology and political culture, for our country, that is, to cultivate thecivic consciousness of the members of society, to achieve the transition to a modern civicculture by the culture of traditional subjects. Civic culture plays an important role in politicalmodernization or the democratic process of modernization. Without the support of the moderndemocratic civic culture, political system and the democratization of political life will bedifficult to achieved and sustained. The construction of civic culture is one of the mainpolitical modernization, modern civic culture, there is no real political modernization. In theprocess of political modernization in China, how to build a civic culture is a need to beaddressed contemporary issues.Civic culture, academia benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom, refer tothe domestic and foreign scholars on the civic culture of thinking research basis, this articlebelieve that civic culture is in the modern nation-state, to advocate citizens actively involvedin for the dominant, at the same time explore its with the democratic systemrelationship andconcerned about the comprehensive development of democratic political culture of thedestination. Civic culture is based on a participatory political culture led to its core concept ofdemocratic politics. Civic culture is a development perspective, the political culture is also aninvolved in complex political culture. The academic study of civic culture traits are not manyexisting results from the civic culture and building a harmonious society, to promote politicalcivilization associated with the perspective of analysis, and accordingly find thecharacteristics of the civic culture cultivation of China’s civic culture path of research is stillblank. This article strive to achieve a breakthrough in the study of Chinese citizens’ culturaltrait, and in accordance with the current problems in the cultivation of the culture of ourcitizens, in a targeted manner to explore the path of the cultivation of civic culture.The article’s basic idea is the basic theory of civic culture as a starting point to analyzethe culture of Chinese subjects inherent in civic and cultural resources, as well as theintellectual contributions of Western civic culture on the culture of our citizens as the starting point, grasp the theory of Marxism civic culture based on and Western civic culture to explorethe qualities of civic culture, and civic culture building on the analysis of existing problems,to find the path of civic culture with Chinese characteristics to cultivate. Article progressivelayers, and the comparative method, induction, and documentary research, historical analysis,theory and practice of combining research methods to be demonstrated.The article is divided into three parts:the first theoretical analysis of civic culture.Understand the concept of civic culture analysis of Almond and Chinese scholars on theconcept of civic culture and extended basis, the civic culture is defined. In the analysis of theconcept of citizenship on the basis of their characteristics are summarized civic culture is amixed culture, a balanced culture, participants in culture. After analysis of the practicalsignificance of our civic culture nurtured from the civic culture of democracy, politicalreform, the political personality of the members of society, improve and perfect.Nurture civic culture of great practical significance for China’s modernization, we shouldactively carry out the cultivation of civic culture, but we need to nurture civic culture is not toreplace the subjects of the Chinese traditional political culture of Western civic culture, but inMarxismunder the guidance of the civic culture, grafting in the traditional culture of trunkformation in the Western civic culture. Therefore, the essence of China’s traditional politicalculture of Western civic culture of our civic culture and enlightenment, and Marxism on thecivic culture of the general idea of civic culture the formation of an important ideologicalresource. Combined with China’s national conditions through the analysis of Chinese andWestern political culture, and our civic culture in the production: the derivative, thefundamental nature: socialist, there is form: government-led, and interests to achieve: thebalance of individual and collective, cultural matrix: the spirit of the five has its ownparticularity constitutes a cultural trait of our citizens.Analyzed on the basis of the cultural characteristics of our citizens, we need to based onthis trait, and with China’s actual work out the cultivation of the path of our civic culture. Thetireless efforts of the party and the people of our citizens cultural construction of developmentby leaps and bounds, but there are still many problems, such as the feudal concept of personalattachment constraints the play of the subjective consciousness of citizens, political apathyweaken citizen participation in political enthusiasm. the existence of the phenomenon of "official standard" violation of the rights of citizens. So we have to address these issuescombined with the cultural characteristics of our citizens to find the path of the Chinesefostered by civic culture. Only the civic values that create a favorable social conditions for thegrowth of civic culture, and give full play to the function of political socialization, it may getrid of the subjects of philosophy, to foster civic awareness, carry forward the spirit ofcitizenship, the establishment of a civic culture can be the emergence and development thesocial basis.Interpretation of the characteristics of the culture of our citizens and their nurtureproblem, the purpose of understanding is the issue of civic culture. Contemporary China’spolitical development depends on the cultivation of civic culture. It is the goal of China’spolitical culture as a democratic culture, is to measure and evaluate the scale of politicalmodernization and political development, democratic politics and cultural foundation. So wehave to actively promote the implementation of economic, political reform and culturalchange in China, contemporary Chinese society, civic culture to build a stable socialenvironment for the realization of a harmonious society.

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