Dissertation > Philosophy, religion > Psychology > Developmental psychology ( human psychology ) > Adolescent psychology

Research on the psychological structure of the network concept of contemporary middle school students

Author JiaJiRong
Tutor HanRenSheng
School Qufu Normal University
Course Mental health education
Keywords network conceptual representation word association spreading activation model cluster analysis
CLC B844.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 83
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With the spread of the Internet in china, the network has really come into our life. Surfingon the Internet almost becomes the nation’s leisure and living fashion. So it is significant to payclose attention to the junior high school students’ cognitive status of the network, it alsopromotes our country’s basic education development in the new period. Trying to construct theconcept of "network" psychological structure in junior high school students, this study startsfrom the objective cognition of junior high school students. The study tries its best to reflect theunderstanding level of the students in "network", and convey the most simple answer andaspirations from students to educators, expecting to provide the reference for school to conductpsychological health education and information technology literacy education targetedly.This research based on word association method and spreading activation model, studies themental representation of junior high school students’ concept of "network”. In the first part ofthe research, the word "network"was presented as a stimulus to which360junior high schoolstudents were asked to respond with at least15words that came to mind. And then come up withthe words to statistical analysis. As a result,6669words were collected. The words expressingthe function of network effect add up to2268,34%of the total word associations; The wordsrelated to information science technology add up to1839; The words related to socialinteractions add up to1393; Network popular words come up to1149; The words related toonline game add up to503; The words related to online video add up to431;The words related toonline music add up to348; The words related to mood that appeared in the process of usingnetwork add up to279,and93.19%are positive emotion words.In the second part of the research, another50junior high school students were asked toclassify these cards where the76network related words/phrases, of which the frequency was noless than17, were written as units of analysis. Based on the interrelation, a complete-linkagecluster analysis obtained four high-order clusters, i.e. the four facets of the representation ofnetwork concepts: Network activities, Website name, the positive evaluation and description ofnetwork and computer system. Of the four high-order clusters, the cluster of "Network activities"is the main component of the structure, accounted for58.36%. At the same time, after thediscussion and analysis of the research results, we concluded:(1) Compared to scientificinformation technology knowledge, Contemporary junior high school students’ understanding isrich and specific;(2) As for the contemporary junior high school student, social interactionfunction is the core of "network" concept.(3) The psychological structure of the concept"network"is of different levels in contemporary junior high school students’ minds.

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