Dissertation > Philosophy, religion > Psychology > Psychological processes and mental state

Behavioral and ERP Study: the Effect of Objects Similarity on Visual Working Memory Process with Different Cognitive Styles

Author ZhangXuMing
Tutor LiShouXin
School Shandong Normal University
Course Basic Psychology
Keywords visuo-spatial working memory object working memory individual difference event-relatedpotentials Object-Spatial cognitive styles object similarity
CLC B842
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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The most recent decades, researchers have a lot of research on the visual working memory, and achievedfruitful results. Individual differences have been widely appreciated in visual working memory, which isbecoming a research hotspot issues of cognitive psychology. Vogel in2004and2005successively in Naturehas published a number of articles on individual differences in visual working memory. It gets a greatimportance of the psychological community, while guiding the upsurge of studying individual differences invisual working memory and a large number of results.The similarity in the field of cognitive psychology is psychological approaching or proximity between twoor more mental representation. In recent decades, the psychologist conducted a lot of research on objectmemory performance. The research in this area has become a hot issue in the research field of cognitivepsychology. Similar visual working memory representation of visual information much attention of theresearchers, but the results is controversy, the mechanism of similar’ effect is still unclear. Previous studies didnot investigate the similarity of effects from individual differences. One reason is that researchers objectsimilarity positive effect similarity to reduce the memory load(Judit Mate&Josep Baque,2009), there isdifferences between cognitive style of individuals (objects/space type) exists in the processing of high/low-load task (Li S., Gong D.,2009,2011). Explore object similar effect, will provide new evidence for asimilar effect generation mechanism from the perspective of individual differences. This study use behaviorexperiments and EEG experiments to investigate the influence of similarity of object-spatial cognitive stylevisual working memory.The study included two experiments. Experiment I is behavioral experiments, using2(cognitive style:object type, space type)×2(delay: short, long)×2(similarity: similar, dissimilar) three-factor mixed design,cognitive style as subjects factor, similarity and delay as within-subject factors, correct test reaction rate due tothe variable. Experiment II is EEG experiment. using2(similarity: similar, dissimilar)×2(cognitive style:object-type, space type) factors mixed design, cognitive style as subjects factor, similarity as within-subjectfactors, correct rate as behavioral indicators, peak and latency of P300and the average volatility of sp as EEGindexes. Conclusions are as follows:1, In object (color) working memory, The first few seconds after stimulus similarity demonstrated a positiveeffect, memory performance of similar color better than dissimilar colors’.2, Compared with the space-type individuals, object-type individuals hold color similar characteristics morestable.3, In dissimilar color characteristics holding phase, Object-type individuals invest more psychologicalresources then Space-type individuals.4, There are differences of Brain mechanisms in working memory representation between the differentcognitive styles, when they are processing different similarity Object information. In the hold phase of thedissimilar object characteristics, object-type individuals in the activation of the left prefrontal area wassignificantly higher than the space-type individuals; While there is no differences between object-typeindividuals and space-type individuals in the holding phase of the similar object characteristics.5, There are differences in brain mechanisms of Object-type individuals processing different object colorsimilar tasks. In the hold phase of the dissimilar object characteristics, object-type individuals in the activationof the left prefrontal area was significantly higher than the holding phase of the similar object characteristics.The reason of positive effect of similarity is similar characteristics reducing the processing load.

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