Relationship between Mental Health and Coping Styles or Social Support of People Undergoing Reeducation through Labor |
Author | NuoMin |
Tutor | QiShiSan |
School | Inner Mongolia Normal |
Course | Applied Psychology |
Keywords | the objects who got labor education andrehabilitation coping style social support mental health |
CLC | B849 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 36 |
Quotes | 0 |
This research explores the status and relationship of coping style,social support and mental health of the objects who got labor educationand rehab-ilitation. A basis for the relevant reference was provided to thepsychosomatic Education and Correction by exploring. Coping StyleQuestionnaire, Social Support Rating Scale and the SCL-90SCL as aresearch tool in the Inner Mongolia region4Labor Camp, random sampleof512reeducation through labor staff were investigated.The statistical analysis showed that:1.A coping style with the SCL-90was significantly related. The objects who got labor education andrehabilitation with better mental health status use the mature coping style,the objects who got labor education and rehabilitation with poor mentalhealth status use the immature coping style.2The way of the objects whogot labor education and rehabil itation deal with the distribution ischaracterized by: The score of male the objects who got labor educationand rehabilitation in the problem-solving, self-blame and rationalize thefactor was higher than the female objects who got labor education andrehabilitation, the rationalization factor was more significant difference.The score of the city objects who got labor education and rehabilitation inself-blame, help, fantasy, and retreat to deal higher than the objects whogot labor education and rehabilitation in the rural areas, there weresignificant differences in the fantasy factor. The score in problem-solvingfactor of the objects who got labor education and rehabilitation withchildren slightly lower than the objects who got labor education andrehab-ilitation without children, the rest of the five factor scores wererelatively high, the fantasy factor was more significant difference. Thevarious factors on the coping style had no significant difference in theobjects who got labor education and rehabilitation of different cultural levels. The help scores were low of the objects who got labor educationand rehabilitation with more than two years reeducation through labor.The rationalization factor scores of the objects who got labor educationand rehabilitation with less than two years reeducation through labor withhigh. The scores of every factor equalization the objects who got laboreducation and rehabilitation with lovers should be significantly higherthan the married or no lover of the objects who got labor education andrehabilitation in retreat and rationalization factor. With the age increasing,the factor scores generally increase, and there are obvious differences inthe rationalization factor.3The social support and the SCL-90score wassignificantly negatively related. The subjective social support thegreatest impact on the mental health of the objects who got laboreducation and rehabilitation, objective support, followed by the utilizationof support with minimal contrast the impact of mental health. The objectswho got labor education and rehabilitation of different psychologicalsymptoms group in the community to support each index scores showedsignificant differences. Degree of social support of the objects who gotlabor education and rehabilitation at the detention period, the crime ofwrong type, age, education level, there was no significant difference.Social support gained by the female objects who got labor education andrehabilitation was more than the male objects who got labor educationand rehabilitation who got more support. The total score of the objectswho got labor education and rehabilitation with children was also slightlyhigher, than the objects who got labor education and rehabilitationwithout children and the experience subjective support was more. And inboth item differences was distinct. The objects who got labor educationand rehabilitation without lovers had less social support.4.Thepsychological conditions of the objects who got labor education andrehabilitation: the SCL-90score, a minimum of44points and amaximum of370points, the statistics are divided into138.8±45.45, thenumber of positive200, positive rate of39.06%. The differences of theobjects who got labor education and rehabilitation in each subgroup are not obvious; On the whole, the mental health level of the objects who gotlabor education and rehabilitation was significantly lower than thenational norm.5The relationship of coping style, social support andmental health: the coping style, social support, physical and mental healthof the objects who got labor education and rehabilitation existed the largedegree of correlation (P <0.01). The high correlation of negative copingstyle and mental health, mental health as the dependent variable forstepwise regression analysis, self-blame, fantasy, solve problems, supportfor these four variables was the last into the regression equation to predictits impact on mental health, can explain46.2%of the change.