Dissertation > Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory > Marxism,Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping's theory of learning and research > Study and research of Marxism > Study and research of the writings of Marx and Engels

On Marx's theory of social development impetus theory and its new development

Author LiBo
Tutor FengGuoZuo
School Qinghai Normal
Course The basic principles of Marxism
Keywords Marx driving force of social development development
CLC A811
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Bourgeois theorists view of history start from the idealism of socialconsciousness determines social existence,and think the social consciousness is thedecisive force in the promotion of social development. this understanding is one-sidedto reflect the social and historical change,understand the power of the social andhistorical development reference,but can not explain the root cause of promotingchange in the entire history of human society. Development power thinkingsuccessive social Marxist classical writers inspired us to recognize the driving force ofsocial development issues,and must adhere to the social being determines socialconsciousness of Historical Materialism on the basis of material forces,from thecontradiction of real life,from the social development of a variety of dynamicelements to find the basic contradiction between the productive forces and relations ofproduction,changes in socio-economic relations,rather than imagined from the mindsof the people.From Marx’s social dynamics of development theory and existing researchresults and to study the formation and development of the dynamical theory ofMarxism and social development. Specifically, this study include the following parts.The first chapter is the previously generated Marxist theory of social developmentmomentum to explore,which includes a driving force in the social impetus to thedevelopment of thought,ancient Greek philosophy,medieval theology, socialdevelopment power thinking,represented by Hegel German classical philosophythinking of three parts. The second chapter is an overview of Marxist social impetusto the development of a systematic expositions of Marx and Engel’s on the dynamicsof social development, including analysis of the rich development of Marxism inChina in the process of dynamic thinking on productivity of Marx and Engel’s Thesocial history of dynamic theory of core. Which Marx and Engel’s on the part of thesocial impetus to the development of the discourse with the reality of people’s need isthe power source for the social development,and practice is the essence of humanlife,the material productive forces is the fundamental driving force of socialdevelopment,Marxism,social conflicts driven by social development the basicdriving force of the class struggle is the direct driving force in the development ofhuman society, the masses of the people is the development of human society,themain driving force, the history of "force" is a seven part of the driving force of social development and Balance Mechanisms; Marxism rich analysis of the developmentprocess of China’s power thought focuses on the basic contradictions of powertheory, the reform momentum theory,the theory of the dynamics of innovation.Chapter impetus thinking new development of Marxism,which includes impetusideology of scientific development,cultural development and prosperity is the part ofthe impetus to the promotion of social development and the "culture of power," theera of ideological significance. Which cultural development and prosperity andpromote the dynamic part of the development of society and from culture is thelifeblood of the nation and the fundamental characteristics of the basic content of thecultural development and prosperity,the era of great cultural development andprosperity of the significance of the three aspects discussed. This article studies theprocess in close connection with the actual conditions of China’s current opportunitiesand challenges coexist, thus building a socialist harmonious society is ourcomprehensive and provide methodological guidance to achieve a well-off society inan all-round way.

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