Dissertation > Political, legal > China's political > Social life and social issues > In the elderly

The Study on the Community Service Model in City

Author MiaoDongDong
Tutor LiuJunYing
School Henan University
Course Social Security
Keywords Community the community for the age the community servicemodel of city
CLC D669.6
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 388
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The aging of population is a major social problem in twenty-first Century, ahot issue of common concern by the international community. The face ofChina’s population aging phenomenon is particularly serious for the reality of thesituation.how to find a pension mode which can deal with the object requirementduring the development of aging of population and be suitable for china’snational condition, has become a solution to the problem of aging population inthe core subjects. The appearence of Community nursing mode, has provided anew train of thought for the aging population issue.Zhengzhou began to enter the aging society in the late1990’s, andthe support from the community for the age is increasing in Jin Shui district ofZheng Zhou, which has already made certain achievements. Based on thissituation, this paper looks at the establishment and improvementof community service model. Furthermore, by developing discussions amongthe related staff in the community and implementing a questionnaire survey, thispaper analyzes the issues of current model, such as the lack of governmentintroduction, sources of fund, policy support, professional service staff, the lessof dynamics and the gap between the supply and demand of service for theelderly. After that, through learning from the advanced experiences ofthe domestic and foreign community services, and synthesizing theseexperiences with the real situation about the community service model of city,this paper also suggests some measures to improve the urban communityservice model, such as identifying the governmentresponsibilities, enriching services, strengthening propaganda, extending thesources of funds as well as establishing professional service team. At last butnot least, this paper proposes some potential suggestions to popularize the community service model.

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