Research of China’s Local Government Emergency Management Mechanism with New Public Management Horizon |
Author | HanYing |
Tutor | LiYuJie |
School | Yanshan University |
Course | Administration |
Keywords | new pubic management emergency emergency management localgovernment mechanism |
CLC | D630 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 332 |
Quotes | 0 |
Emergency is an important factor which impacts China’s social stability in the newera, establish a perfect mechanism for emergency management is successfully conduciveto deal with all kinds of emergencies and improve the government’s emergencymanagement capabilities. Because of local government in the first line of emergencymanagement, there are many deficiencies in emergency management system of localgovernment, speed up local government emergency management mechanism is imperative.Using new public management principle guiding local government emergencymanagement mechanism construction, is not only beneficial to make accurate theoryevaluation of local government in emergency management situation, explore the regularityof the emergency management, establish scientific and feasible emergency managementmechanism from the theoretical level, but also more conducive to deal with emergencieseffectively and improve emergency management level of ascension, eventually maintainsocial harmony and stability.In the context of new public management, local government emergency managementmechanism can be analyzed from three aspects. First of all, it’s elaborate new publicmanagement theory, emergency and government emergency management mechanism indetail, this can lay the premise and foundation for local government emergencymanagement mechanism in study. Secondly, from China’s government emergencymanagement mechanism historical review, the plight of emergency management and thenecessity of emergency management to analysis present situation of local governmentemergency management mechanism, it’s conducive to format a comprehensiveunderstanding of emergency management status. Finally, as a starting point of new publicmanagement, using e-government concept, non-governmental organization concept,performance management concept and legal concept of new public management guidinggovernment emergency management construction, investigate the establishment ofcomprehensive local government emergency management mechanism can improve thescientific and effectiveness of management. Using material analysis, parative analysis and case analysis, through collectingvarious types of data loss incidents, cited emergency management case of Beijing andShanghai and compare the different emergency management methods and achievements inand abroad, analysis the urgency of local emergency management, can provide a referencefor local government emergency management mechanism construction, it conducive toachieve the innovation of local government emergency management mechanism, reducethe risk of emergency in maximumin.