A Research on the Issue of Migrant Works’ Income |
Author | WangZuo |
Tutor | TongShuiDong |
School | Northwest University of Science and Technology |
Course | Marxism in China |
Keywords | migrant works income influence factors suggestions |
CLC | D412.6 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 85 |
Quotes | 0 |
Migrant workers is the reform and opening up and in the process of industrialization andurbanization in China emerged out of the labor force, is an important part of industrialworkers in China, making important contributions to China’s modernization. Whilecontributing peasant worker income has made contributions does not match. China currentlyin conflict-prone, protection of migrant workers ’ vital interests, for promoting reform,development, and stability is of great significance. I know to the low income of migrantworkers is the urgent need to solve the problem in the process of modernization in China,peasant workers ’ income for the study the study selection, by analyzing the current status ofChinese migrant workers ’ incomes, reveal its deeper development constraints, so as to createthe right conditions in China’s income distribution system of peasant-workers make relevantrecommendations.This combination of theory and practice, the comparative analysis, qualitative andquantitative, empirical analysis with a combination of analysis, Internet survey researchmethods. Using the labor theory of value, income distribution theory, theory of fairness andjustice, sustainable development, science development view theory, system analysisconcluded that farmers ’ income distribution problems can lead to deep social contradictions,after the classical theory and social reality to look for ways to solve the problem.Articles from migrant workers ’ incomes, and discussed the low income of migrantworkers as a whole, does not have a stable income and slow growth of income and otherissues, and then analyzed the peasant workers ’ low incomes caused by social justice, adverseimpacts on rural development issues, and these problems have a negative impact on oureconomic development. On this basis, using the method of integrating theory with practice,dual institutional structure, human capital factors, factors such as the actual situation of socialsecurity, and the theory of labor value theory and distribution according to work, theory ofwages of the lowest combined, in-depth analysis of factors affecting the low income ofmigrant workers. Through the analysis of the causes of, for reasons ranging from ease dualinstitutional structures, improving their occupational skills, establish protection of rights andinterests of peasant-workers organisation, make relevant recommendations, and noted that inaddressing the low income of migrant workers need to pay attention to other issues in theprocess.