Dissertation > Political, legal > China's political > State administration > Public security work > Security work

Research on Community Policing Construction: a Perspective of Community Spirit

Author ZhaoYiBai
Tutor GuJianGuang
School Shanghai Jiaotong University
Course Public Administration
Keywords Community Community Policing CommunitySpirit
CLC D631.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 216
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Currently, our country is experiencing social transformation,various social conflicts are interlaced and anfractuous. As the mostbasic cell, community is gradually becoming the congregate area ofvarious social groups, the place for various social organizationsto stay, the intertexture of various interest relationships, and thecarrier of all kinds of social resources. The importance of communityin constructing harmonious society is increasingly protruding.Community policing is an important content and important guaranteein governing the society. The implementation of community policingstrategy can drive the stability of the overall peace order via theorder stability in small areas, so as to accelerate harmonioussociety construction. As the society develops, community policingis endowed with new connotations in the context of public governance.Community policing will have to be changed from the passive,superficial and administrative model to the active, fundamental andservice model, so as to promote the police to develop sustainably,realizing the goal of “less cases, better order, stable society andcitizen’s satisfaction”. However, in view of the current situation of community policing in our country, low degree of communityconformity and participation of citizen is still the key reason toconstrain community policing construction, which is caused by noother than the lack of agglomeration, sense of obligation and thecommunity spirit of intimacy and keeping watch, as is the communityspirit planted in the traditional society of our country. So, theauthor hopes to arouse the community spirit implied in the mentalworld of the people by fostering community, so as to effectivelymobilize citizens to commit themselves to community administration,solving peace order problem of the community by the autonomous force,in order to find a new approach to community policing construction.This paper is divided into four parts. Part I is Introduction,which clarifies the background to select the topic, significance ofthe research, the content and approach, literature summary, the angleof view closely related to the main body of the paper. An analysisof the theory of community policing, community the logic relationbetween community policing and community spirit, and lays atheoretical foundation to analyze community policing constructionfrom the viewpoint of community spirit. Part Ⅱmainly introduces theevolution, current situation, present problems and analysis ofreasons of community policing. Part III introduces theories andpractice of community policing in foreign countries, and abstractsthe experience and modus operandi propitious to the improvement ofthe community policing construction in our country, opening out thatthe vitality and the actual effect of community policing ultimately lies on the actuality, extent and depth of the citizen participationin the community. Community policing work have to recur to thestandard of community, foster community spirit and promote communitypolicing administration to be socialized. Part IV deal with solutionsto the improvement of community policing construction. This part putsforward three propositions: reconstructing community, advancing thedegree of participation of the citizens and establishing cooperativegovernance network, stresses the importance of the community spiritplayed in community policing construction,and brings forward higherrequirement on community policing construction.

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