The Effectiveness of Moral Education from the Perspective of Reception Theory |
Author | HuangDengCui |
Tutor | LiuXianYi |
School | Shandong Normal University |
Course | Principles of Education |
Keywords | Reception Theory Acceptance Disorder Moral Education |
CLC | G41 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 44 |
Quotes | 0 |
Validity of moral education has always been a hot problem which the researcherspay close attention on. Moral education activity is effective or not, matter to thesuccess or failure of moral education. In Reception theory, the effectiveness of moraleducation is a foundation which used to detect the effect of moral education andindividual development. The reception theory has been richen the theoretical basis ofeducation research and been enlarged the scope and depth of the moral education. Thetheory is helpful for ethical research breadth and the depth expansion. Advocateteaching and acception separated are helpful to establish a new moral idea. Accept thetheory that education and accept is separated.Moral education is a dynamic process,in this process the subject plays a key role. Acceptance subject is the main part of theactivities of moral acceptance and affect the result.Accepts the main body is the mainpart of moral acceptance.Morality reception activity has his own characteristics.Morality reception activity has certain characteristics Including the subjectivity, value,variability and creativity.Including the vivid subject, prominent value, and the processof reception is variability and creativity. The operating mechanism includes a dynamicmechanism, guiding mechanism, selecting mechanism and safeguard mechanism.Accepting obstacles is the main factors affecting the effectiveness of moral education.Accepting obstacles affect the effectiveness of the moral education. the receptionability affect the acceptable level, cognitive psychology influence the range ofacceptance, meaning obstacle block the receiving depth, antagonistic psychologyinfluence the progress of acceptance. Accepting obstacles is mainly of thepsychological characteristics of the acceptance subjects and the psychological stateinteraction. The main body of the psychological characteristics of personality andmental state leading to accepting obstacles.Effective measures should be taken to improve the effect of moral education.Itshould be strengthen affective teaching, reduced barriers about the meaning obstacleof the acceptance subjects, inherit the essence of traditional morality;Pay attention tofrom the main internal needs,establish humanism educational aim;The use of traditional morality, remove the affective disorders; use of recessive education inorder to reduce the antagonistic psychology; Evaluate it in an effective way and viewacceptance obstacles in objective and overall;Optimize the environmental of moraleducation, promote the atmosphere of moral education.