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Intertextuality in Toni Morrison’s Beloved

Author GaoYang
Tutor GuYePing
School Liaoning Normal University
Course English Language and Literature
Keywords Toni Morrison Darling Intertextuality Significance
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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\Morrison With her ??rich cultural heritage and delicate brush strokes created this stunning novel , the performance of the entire black nationalist efforts to explore the indomitable spirit of survival and cultural development . Creation , she cleverly lot of the essence of Western culture and the national cultural traditions together works contains a profound cultural connotations . It also provides the basis for this article unique charm of the novel from intertextuality angle interpretation . This article will use the the Julia Kristeva broad cross - cultural theory and Gérard Genette narrow theory of intertextuality as a theoretical framework , analysis of Toni Morrison 's novel \. Divided into four chapters , the first chapter is introduced writer , works , and then put forward the feasibility of this article darling interpretation from intertextuality angle of the literature review by scholars at home and abroad on the analysis of the different angles of the \Chapter raised intertextuality theoretical sources and further from the broad and narrow interpretation of intertextuality ; Chapter based on Kristeva 's theory of intertextuality intertextuality angle from generalized analysis \Bible culture and traditional African culture intertextuality characteristics . Morrison novel by the preaching of the Bible, the spirit of fraternity , the paradise myth remodeling as well as the reproduction of traditional African culture , expression of black nationalism only self-love self-improvement in order to be free , only inherit and carry forward the national tradition to pursue the development of national ideology ; based on four chapters to the Genette narrow theory of intertextuality to explore the manifestation of the \Morrison , through the inspiration of the Bible, mythology and remodeling true story , reproduction humiliation of life of the black nationalist racial discrimination alienation hint of black nationalism only united , out of the understanding of the plight of the self-identity , inherited a precious legacy of the nation to fight for the final national freedom and independence. Finally the conclusion , make a summary overview of the structure of the entire article .

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