High school Chinese open reading teaching practice and thinking |
Author | LiuHuiPing |
Tutor | YangCunChang |
School | Shandong Normal University |
Course | Subject Teaching |
Keywords | high school Chinese open reading the basic content classroom performance Construction way |
CLC | G633.33 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 111 |
Quotes | 0 |
With the development of the new curriculum reform, the teaching of traditional Chinesereading has been unable to adapt to the new curriculum requirements. So it is imperative to studythe teaching of Chinese open reading. This paper is to study and explore some of the teaching ofChinese open reading in high school on the basis of previous researchThis paper is divided into five chapters.The introduction part: firstly, to talk about the research background of the high schoolChinese open reading teaching; secondly, to define the concept of open reading teaching,andthis paper considers that open reading teaching is a reading method in which the students areable to open their minds, extract and integrate the text information, so as to understand and usethe text creatively and enhance the comprehensive abilities of the students (including andcreative abilities of reading ability, thinking ability and so on) after the preliminary experience,through teacher’s guidance and participation; thirdly, to summarize the research situation of theopen reading teaching at home and abroad.The first chapter mainly talks about the necessity and importance of the study of the openreading teaching. As to the necessity: firstly, we analyzed and summarized the current highschool Chinese reading problems existing in the teaching and reasons, and then we proved thenecessity of the change of Chinese reading teaching on the basis of the the analysis and summaryabove. We did that after making some questionnaires, teaching cases analysis and classroomteaching recording method taking the four senior high schools in Zouping County as example.Next, we discussed the influence of open reading for the current teaching, that is to say the openreading helps to change the teaching problems at the present stage. Then we talked about theimportance of open reading teaching in the academic research and the practical teaching.The second chapter expounds the theoretical basis of the open reading teaching namely,Illesere’s reading theories, his theory of reception aesthetics and constructivism.The third chapter discusses the basic content and classroom performance of the openreading teaching. Its basic content includes the opening of five aspects:evaluation, goal, content,method, environment. In the classroom, it appears as3aspects: the application of cooperationmodel application, the multiple interpretations of the text to be learned in books and reading mode. This research is mainly to multiple interpretations of the text.The fourth chapter talks about how to construct the confidence and enhance open readingteaching from the following aspects: careful preparation for text to get information equality;creativity of a harmonious, democratic to create equal dialogue atmosphere; deepening into thetext to make an equal dialogue between teachers and students; multivariate evaluationmechanism. That is to say, we will find the constructive ways to carry out the open readingteaching in the following4aspects: preview, dialogue, exploration and evaluationThe last chapter talks about the problems on the open reading teaching through the teachingprocess and evaluation.