Under the New Curriculum Standard High School Chinese Subject Reading Research |
Author | ZhengXiaoYan |
Tutor | LiXiaoZuo |
School | Central China Normal University |
Course | Subject Teaching |
Keywords | high school Chinese class new curriculum standard dominantposition reading instruction |
CLC | G633.3 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 121 |
Quotes | 0 |
Nowadays, reading instruction which accounts for nearly three quarters of high school Chinese teaching begins to call for a change about who is in the dominant position because the traditional banking way seems no longer appropriate. To be specific, a new reading instruction should take students’ enthusiasm and dominant position seriously.In the backdrop of the new curriculum reform together with the support of related theories such as Constructivism, Humanistic educational theory, Reception aesthetics, Dialogue theory and the real situation of high school Chinese reading instruction, the current study aims to establish a new concept of reading teaching and students’ dominant position. And this study also tries to seek for a good interaction of reading teaching with sight, emotion, thought and even character by a smart use of modern teaching artifices; enrich the reading instruction system by introducing activity approach, textual comparison, blackboard curve diagram, source tracing method together with other multi-form approaches; and motivate students by offering more ways of reading assessment.And in the end, the study attempt to summarize the strategies for student-dominant reading instruction and make clear more specific implementation steps, hoping to assist teaching and educate more talents with great autonomy, creativity and innovation.