Medium occupation school language teaching research on the mental health education |
Author | GuLiMin |
Tutor | YangCunChang |
School | Shandong Normal University |
Course | Subject Teaching |
Keywords | secondary vocational school mental health Permeate Chinese teaching |
CLC | G633.3 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 82 |
Quotes | 0 |
Since the new century, with the rapid development of vocational education, the recruitmentof students proportion between the vocational school and the senior high school has reached1:1.Despite the rise in number, most of the vocational school students are “forced” to come herebecause of the lack of the social identity of the vocational education at present. They are burnedwith a shadow from the fail in the exam for high school. They are the groups liable to learnedhelplessness. They have serious problems in self-efficacy, social adaptation ability and learningability, especially in mental health.The first part of this research analyzes from the theoretic points of view,puts forward thenecessity of the research and defines the related concepts on the basis of the educationalobjects(secondary vocational school students),education carrier (Chinese subject), objectiverequirement(need tor educational reform).The second part gives a more detailed quantitativeanalysis on the mental health status of vocational students and generalizes major mentalproblems and performance of them. The third part analyzes the related factors about metal healthpenetration in Chinese teaching in secondary vocational school, and puts forward that thevocational Chinese subject is the closest to students’ mind. Because of its different levels ofstudents, long study period, arrangement of the teaching materials which is the closest to thestudents’ mind and reform of the examining methods, Chinese has its unique priority in allsubjects. On the other hand, some shortcomings of the vocational Chinese teaching including theambiguous status, the confused positioning, the traditional teaching method and unable to arousestudents interest have all become unfavorable factors in penetration teaching.This study is not only concerned about the mental health education in the existing researchon the importance of human development, but also explores the causes and countermeasures ofthe major psychological problems among secondary vocational school students, especially themain behaviors and solutions of the “learned helplessness” common in this special group. It isnot only pays attention to the penetration and its practicable ways of Chinese on mental healtheducation, bring forward the programs of penetration in strengthening the first class, selectingschool-based teaching materials, comprehensive practical activities and using writing activities,but also expounds the educational narratives about the implementation process and effect inorder to show the feasibility and necessity of the programs.The survey employs the methods of questionnaire, mental test and case study. It records andstudies the results of the teaching experiments and explores the plans about mental healthpenetration in Chinese teaching in secondary vocational school, combining with the teachers’ life experience, laying emphasis on its operability.Paying close attention to the students’ mental health and lifelong development has become ageneral education direction in recent years and subject penetration has become the main front. Ithas also become the trend of the times to pay attention to the special group and reform ofChinese teaching with the characteristics of vocational education. I hope this study willcontribute to the development of vocational education and the vocational students’ healthygrowth.