Study on the construction of ecological classroom of high school music appreciation |
Author | WangGuiMei |
Tutor | TangNing |
School | Shandong Normal University |
Course | Education |
Keywords | ecology the ecological classroom music appreciation of high school the classroom teaching |
CLC | G633.951 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 60 |
Quotes | 0 |
This paper aimed at the ecological perspective of high school music appreciationclassroom teaching has done some discussions, based on relevant principles andcharacteristics of ecology, studied from two aspects of theory and practice of high schoolmusic appreciation classroom. Based on ecology view in music appreciation teachingfactors in classroom teaching has carried on the detailed and in-depth analysis, to explorein what kind of classroom teaching situation, adopt what kind of teaching strategy canmake these factors of classroom teaching to form a balanced ecosystem effectively, makethe various elements of classroom teaching to achieve harmonious coexistence betweennature. Thesis research purpose is to try to find a new teaching view and teachingconcept, to the development of high school music appreciation classroom teachingprovides some enlightenment, to look forward to high school music appreciationclassroom can toward a more orderly, harmonious and healthy development.This article is divided into four parts, the first part, preface. Elaborated theecological classroom teaching music appreciation research origin, research status athome and abroad, this thesis research purpose and significance, research ideas andmethods. The second part, mainly elaborates what is the high school music appreciationclassroom ecology, from its connotation, features and constituent elements in threeaspects. The third part, why want to pay close attention to ecological classroom teachingand music appreciation. This part through to the traditional music appreciation classecological phenomenon existing in the analysis of the ecological classroom of highschool music appreciation the necessity and importance of construction has carried on thesimple elaboration. The fourth part, put forward about the construction of ecologicalclassroom of high school music appreciation teaching strategies and attempt.Ecological classroom teaching of music appreciation as a author for many years,enjoy and try to a kind of teaching style, by the majority of the students like, also fromfellow teachers’ recognition and support. Hope that through further research, to bettergrasp the theory, rich experience, for the sustainable development and the education idealof harmonious development to provide some useful reference.