Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > Ideological and political education,moral education

Research on the Contemporary College Students’ Cultural Personality Casting

Author LiNa
Tutor ZhengYingJie
School Jishou University
Course Ideological and Political Pedagogy
Keywords College Student Cultural Personality Cultural Diversity CastingWay
CLC G641
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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The ideological and political education is an important content of spiritual andcultural construction in China. It is also a main approach of helping college studentsestablish correct outlooks on lives and values, enhance their senses of socialresponsibility and form their sound personalities. The cultural personality is which oneis accept the shape of an special culture,within the specific cultural and individualsocialization and formation of stable mental structures and behavior. The basis ofideological and political education is personality education. How to help students form asound culture personality through the ideological and political education matters theeffectiveness of University Ideological and political education,the comprehensivedevelopment of the college students themselves, at the same time, the development ofour country and our future.When promoting the work of ideological and political education, we must payattention to the education and training of college students’ cultural personality which is avery complex and difficult task, since it involves the cultural environment of the society,the ways and means of ideological and political education and the ideological andpsychological status of college students. Therefore, it needs a comprehensive andprofound analysis of our current cultural environment and situation, a renewal of theideological and political education ways in time and a more accurate and specificunderstanding of the college students’ minds to cultivate the students to form a soundcultural personality. This paper mainly focuses on the Contemporary College Students’Cultural Personality casting and emphasizes the importance of it, clarifies thecontemporary society’s requirements on college students’ cultural personalitydevelopment, elaborates the contemporary college students’ cultural personalitydevelopment situation. Also it analyzes the aspects, such as, cultural environment,ideological and political education and their cultural judgment and choice of culture,which influence the cultural personality development. And then it puts forward thegoals and principles of the casting of contemporary university students’ culturalpersonality. This paper also comes up with three ways to cast the cultural personality ofcontemporary college students, namely, the objective construction of the culturalenvironment, the transformation of the ideological and political education, and thecultural consciousness of the contemporary college students.

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