Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Sports > Ball games > Badminton

Comparison and Analysis of Characteristics of Techniques and Tactics of Lin Dan and Outstanding Men’s Singles Badminton Players under New Rule

Author SunZhiJun
Tutor LiuFengDe
School Beijing Sport University
Course Physical Education and Training
Keywords the badminton men’s singles technique and tacticscharacteristics
CLC G847
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 442
Quotes 2
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This article through the literature material method, video statistics, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis and other methods, the use of Excel software to Lin Dan and five world excellent men’s singles player (Lee Chong Wei, Taufik Hidayat, Peter gerd, PiaoChengHuan, ChenJin) total of37games in recent years in important games the use of various techniques and tactics in getting points and statistical, and use of SPSS software get specific data statistics of quantitative comparative analysis, and mainly Lin Dan and five men’s singles players in the world excellent characteristics of the tactics used a further analysis, find out Lin Dan and five men’s singles player using the world excellent similarities and differences on tactics and their respective regulation characteristics, conclusions are listed as follows.1. In serving, there is no obvious difference between Lin Dan and five players. Main service is near-net ball of back-hand, of which the characteristics is stable and easy to judge the track of hitting.2. There are many similarities in service area among Lin Dan and others players. They chiefly apply near-net ball to limit opponent attacks. Main service area of Lin Dan is net position, especially NO.1and NO.5areas. There are significant differences in NO.1, NO2and NO.5areas in frontcourt. Lin Dan mostly use NO.1and NO.5areas to serve, while as Lee Chong Wei, Taufik Hidayat in front of the regional serve position relative to a relatively balanced Lin Dan.3. Techniques for receiving are mainly net shots, net lift and net push, especially the former two. Long-high receiving mainly adopts smash.4. Techniques of front court are mainly net shots and net lift. There are significant differences between Lin Dan and five players in the use of net shots and net lift, while no significant difference in net push, net kill and the cross-court drop.5. Techniques of midfield are mainly block shots. But there is no significant difference in techniques of midfield.6. Techniques of back court are mainly clears, smashes and drop shots, among which smashes are relatively mostly used. There are no significant differences in the use of passive drives and passive low drop shots between Lin Dan his opponents, while in using techniques differences exist variably.7. Main scoring area is back court, then is front court, thirdly is midfield, which shows that active attacking in back court is very important for a player to score in competition.8. Lin Dan’s losing points rate in front and back court is different to other five players. There is no significant difference in losing points in midfield between Lin Dan and five players.

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