Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Basic electronic circuits > Filtering techniques,the filter >

Implementation of FIR Digital Filter Base on FPGA

Author LiuFuQuan
Tutor LvZuoYang
School Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Course Electronics and Communication Engineering
Keywords FIR digital filter FPGA distributed algorithms pipeline design
CLC TN713.7
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 700
Quotes 3
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FIR filter is commonly used as components in digital signal processing. Its greatest advantage is:the design of any amplitude-frequency characteristic, you can have a strictly linear phase. This is critical for digital signal processing time processing. With the rapid development of programmable logic devices, FPGA have shown an advantage in the cost, performance and size. So, more and more electronic engineers use the FPGA to implement FIR digital filters.In the design process, the resources and structure on the FPGA chip are analyzed. The Altera’s Stratix series FPGA chip used as a designing chip is selected.In this paper, the principle of FIR digital filter design is studied in-depth. The whole process of designing FIR digital filter base on the FPGA is detailed, for example, FIR digital low-pass filter achieved base on the FPGA. In the design, base on the design of distributed algorithms in the traditional design methods, and the processing speed is increased significantly. The pipeline design of adders is added to the system, and makes its operation speed improve significantly. The signal latches which are input and between modules are added to the system, and make system stability improve greatly. The testbench makes the input signals, and makes it go through the system to have the output signals of the system. The quantitative and the comparative analysis of the simulation results are made. The system designed before changes the basic elements of design one by one. Determine the performance of the various basic elements of the system, with making a quantitative comparative analysis of the performance of these systems. Finally, Other typical filters have been designed to achieve.

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