Dissertation > Political, legal > China's political > State administration > Civil Affairs > Social security and social welfare

The Analysis about Modes of Exchanging Land Contracted Management Right for Urban Social Security

Author ZuoYan
Tutor LiFang
School Nanjing Agricultural College
Course Social Security
Keywords Land Contracted Management Right Social Security Exchange Mode
CLC D632.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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In order to promote the land of scale operation, the transfer of rural surplus labor force, promote urbanization and the integration development, there was an exploration about exchanging farmers’land contracted management right for urban social security in the 1990s. After Wenjiang of Sichuan province and Jiaxing of Zhejiang province executed the exploration which called the double replacement, this practice in other area in China began to develop. With the rapid economic development, Jiangsu province especially the south area had been planning the integration of urban and rural areas reform since 2008, exchanging farmers’land contracted management right for urban social security is an important content.Exchanging farmers’land contracted management right for urban social security is executed as a system innovation. Whether the pattern design is reasonable and appropriate directly relate to the effect of replacement policy. Such as how to plan the displacement scope and objective conditions, what kind of organization is responsible and what are their functions, how to manage the account, how to replace the different types of insurance program are all have importance for further study.This paper reviewed the research situation about exchanging farmers’land contracted management right for urban social security, defined the related concept and analyzes the policy background. Then described the situation of the double replacement executed in south area of Jiangsu province, especially analysis the policy content characteristics in order to point out the problems on its design patterns and operation ways and also found the reasons. After that the different replacement modes in domestic areas were compared and discussed, including the content, operation methods and their characteristics. Finally, on the basis of the study we designed an integrated model divided by the age’s group. The model design content mainly includes:the replacement scope and applicable objects, the management organization and its function, the account management and ways to exchange different types of insurance.This paper argues that it is reasonable and developable for the farmers to exchange their land contracted management right for urban social security. And it is necessary to attach importance to respect the farmers’willingness about whether they chose to take part in the policy. Their interests and views are the premise to carry out it. Therefore, the standard of exchanged social security must be the same as urban residents’, so it needs to improve the replacement standards; The content of the replacement mode must add more kinds of insurance and the details including medical insurance, unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances etc.; Measured the social security capture expends accurately and fixed the exchanging years reasonably, which makes the replacement really lighten the farmers’burden. In addition, it should make clear the source of capital and pay attention to the collective economic strength to reduce financial pressures. Meanwhile it must pay attention to improve the supporting service, make the farmers know the content of the policy much better, carry out the housing replacement and land contracted management right replacement separately to ensure the farmers’ participation is voluntary.

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