Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Communication network > Access network

Design of HIMAC Protocol Conformance Testing Based on TTCN-3

Author WeiQiongQiong
Tutor ZhangBing
School Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Communication and Information System
Keywords HINOC MAC Signaling Protocol TTCN-3 Conformance Testing
CLC TN915.6
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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HINOC(High performance Network Over Coax)is a new broadband accesstechnology, taking advantage of existing coaxial cable distribution network of CATV,which can provide high-speed bidirectional transmission of multi-services by justadding relevant HINOC devices in buildings and homes. Giving a new convenientsolution for the last100meters access, HINOC technology, with our own intellectualproperty, will help approaching the triple play target efficiently. Along with theindustrialization of the technology, HINOC devices will be manufactured generally. Toensure the implement of product being in accordance with the protocol standard andguarantee the interoperability between different implements, it is necessary to do theconformance testing. Thus developing HINOC protocol conformance testing is of greatsignificance.Based on the study of HINOC MAC protocol specification, this paper focuses onHIMAC signaling protocol, proposed a conformance testing method of signalingprotocol. An abstract test suite is designed specially for admission control of signalingprotocol. And the test cases are described by TTCN-3(The Testing and Test ControlNotation version3), the test description language. Then, with TTworkbench, a softwaretool for test automation, the test system is designed for our job. Based on these, twospecific test cases are given to illustrate the actualizing process of test system. Finally,through analyses of the test execution results, the designed test sequences couldachieve the test purpose, and the test solution provided in this paper has been verifiedto be effective and feasible.

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