Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Radar > Radar equipment,radar > Radar receiving equipment > Radar signal detection and processing

Chaff cloud interference mechanism of pulse Doppler detection system

Author ChenNing
Tutor ZhaoHuiChang
School Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering
Course Communication and Information System
Keywords Pulsed Doppler chaff cloud spectral broadening MATLAB/SIMULINK
CLC TN957.51
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Pulse Doppler detection system transmitting high-frequency oscillation signal which is modulated by the pulse in order to probe target (or its environment) information, and process the obtained information, which is mixed with various interfering signals and useless information in real-time, to collect main and useful information, such as distance, speed, target characteristics, and other relevant information, to finally determine whether trigger the execution of device.In this paper, firstly it analyzes the working principle of pulse Doppler detection system, determining the fixed distance and the velocity measurement scheme, and use the MATLAB/SIMULINK software platform for the dynamics simulation analysis and verification of the whole system. Secondly, the basic characteristics of the chaff, including chaff’s average radar cross section and statistical characteristics are analyzed. And according to the interference mechanism and movement characteristics of chaff, the chaff echo signal model is established. Thirdly, the characteristics of the chaff echo frequency domain is analyzed. Finally, chaff diffusion motion model is established by analysis method based on the theory of aerodynamics. Simulation analyzed the chaff cloud’s interference for the pulse Doppler detection system in time domain and frequency domain. And the chaff echo frequency domain broadening characteristics can be used to distinguish target to against chaff jamming.

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