Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > EDUCATIONAL > Computerized teaching

Research on Teaching Interaction of Collaborative Knowledge Building in Web Environment

Author Chen
Tutor HuangYuXing
School Fujian Normal University
Course Educational Technology
Keywords Web environment collaborative knowledge building teaching interaction strategy
CLC G434
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 29
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Network collaborative learning has gradually become the main form of teaching process in the classroom teaching with the further development of education informationization. The teachers let the students establish study group, collect data and exchange information through the general pattern of creating context, asking questions, presenting recourses in the web environment, and ask the students communicating, consulting, exploring under the guidance of the problems or tasks which needed solve, and completing collaborative knowledge building in the continuous communication and consultation.As the mainly interactive links of collaborative knowledge building, communication and consultation reflect the ideas exchange between the students. However, there was a big difference in the modes of disseminating and acquiring the information between the network teaching and the traditional teaching. So, it still can not guarantee the effectiveness of students’cooperation and interaction, and the interactive quality of collaborative knowledge building between students also can not be assured.This paper finds out the status and questions of teaching interaction of collaborative knowledge building in web environment mainly through analyzing the literatures of social constructivism, interaction theory and learning theory of network teaching, researches the related factors which can promote the teaching interaction of collaborative knowledge building in web environment, and put forward the teaching interaction strategies of collaborative knowledge building in web environment. On this basis, the author tries to specific teaching experiment as a case and obtains some relevant data, such as the situation of interaction in the classroom, the situation of teaching interaction of collaborative knowledge building which the collaborative teams carry out, the level of collaborative knowledge building, through the ways of recording the classroom teaching, sending the evaluation scale and questionnaire. The research consequence verifies the promoting effect on teaching interactive strategies of collaborative knowledge building in web environment, supplies the support and practical basis for the development of instruction in the future.

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