Research on Associated Software Birthmark Based on Data Attributes of Program |
Author | ZhangFengPing |
Tutor | ZhouQingLei |
School | Zhengzhou University |
Course | Computer Software and Theory |
Keywords | Software piracy Data attributes Software birthmark Credibility Resilience |
CLC | TP311.53 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 9 |
Quotes | 0 |
With the development of informationization, the application scope of information technology becomes more and more widely. Software has the character-ristics such as easy to be copied, easy to be tampered and easy to be spread. Because of the characteristics and the economic interests, software piracy has become one of the most serious security problems.Software birthmark technology is one of the technologies which protect the intellectual property rights of software.Software birthmark relies on a unique characteristic, or set of characteristics, that are inherent to a program to uniquely identify the program in the event of suspected theft. As a new branch of software protections, software birthmark technology can prove code theft by identifying intrinsic properties of a program.In this paper, we discussed the research status of software birthmark technology and analyze the respective advantages and disadvantages of each birthmark technology. The execution of a program is essentially the process of data processing. In the process of data handing, data call and the shifty sequence of data value are closely related to the birthmark of a program. Therefore, data attributes can be used to describe inherent characteristics of a program. In this paper, we proposed an associated software birthmark based on data attributes. Research works in the thesis are the following two aspects:1. We used both static and dynamic methods to analyze data attributes, through the analysis we can obtain three sub-birthmarks. For each sub-birthmark, we proposed an appropriate similarity calculation method. It is better to use the combination of static and dynamic methods than to use either static or dynamic alone because the birthmarks extracting from this way has high resilience.2. In order to evaluate the robustness of this birthmark, we design an evaluating framework that contains some experiments of creditability and resilience, which can be good for measuring the performance of software birthmark. To demonstrate the credibility and reliability against semantics-preserving transformations, the performance of the propose approaches is evaluated and compared with TaNaMM and WPP birthmarks. Theoretical analysis and experimental result show that this birthmark has high credibility and resilience.