Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > China's education > History of Education

Historical Survey of Political Socialization in School Education during Early Days of PRC

Author LiHongJuan
Tutor GuoWeiGui
School Fujian Normal University
Course CPC's history
Keywords The Early Days of New China School Education Political Socialization Historical Inspection
CLC G529
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 11
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As soon as New China was founded, "The common program of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference" made it clear that our new democratic program of education is consistent with the New Democracy, they are both opposing to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the educational front is to eliminate the feudal, comprador, fascist ideology in education, which it is the political task of education in the Early Days of New China as well as the aim of school political socialization. Following this spirit, although it is facing the severe situation ,the school education in the Early Days of New China still played an important role in political socialization and made great contributions to the consolidation of new regime. This paper choosing teachers and textbooks in the political socialization as the basic objects, makes an historical investigation on school education’s process of the political socialization in the first seven years after the Founding of PRC from the view of structure-function. Based on the analysis and summary of related theoretical basis and historical background, this study mainly deals with the structure of political and social necessity of school education in the 1949-1956, including school education policies and principles and the specific dispositions from macro and micro facets as well as the allocation of teachers and textbooks construction for the primary, secondary and higher education. Then, based on the structural analysis, the paper analyses school education’s political socialization at that time, mainly on three aspects, communicated proletarian political culture, trained proletarian successors and maintained stability of the regime. Finally, the thesis summarizes the achievements and experiences of education’s political socialization, in order to provide reference and historic enlightenment to improve the educational reform in the future.

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