Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > School Management

The Study of the Performance Evaluation about the Primary Teacher in the U.S.A.

Author WuLinYu
Tutor ZuoQiBiao
School Fujian Normal University
Course Comparative Education
Keywords the U.S.A. teacher evaluation primary school the system of performance evaluation
CLC G637
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 33
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As the development of the education and higher quality of the teachers, it’s now a big problem that how to evaluate the works teacher do and the teacher quality more effectively. After a series of revolutions about the teacher evaluation, it’s that more and more countries tend to adapt the performance evaluation in teacher evaluation. They hope that it can provide a kind of evaluation, which will be more objective, more reasonable, and it can provide a more proper feedback.The teacher performance evaluation in America stemmed from the advocation of the National Boar for Professional Teaching Standards, and influenced by the theory of performance management, and developing in the background of the whole society and the building of the teacher team. In the process of the practice of the teacher performance evaluation, it was supported by the policies from the Federal and States, so that it made it possible to practice the teacher performance evaluation through the country, and then the performance evaluation about the primary teachers improved and became more and more perfect.In the light of the successful experiences of the performance evaluation about the primary teacher in the U.S.A., some problems we meet in the evaluation process which involved with the merit pay will be solved effectively, with the help of more objective standards, collaborated with other evaluation measures, and guaranted by multiple-level system.

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