Study and Application of Fuzzy Catastrophe Theory |
Author | YuYuanChao |
Tutor | GuoSiZuo |
School | Liaoning Technical University |
Course | Applied Mathematics |
Keywords | Catastrophe Theory Fuzzy Math Fuzzy Fold Catastrophe Fuzzy Cusp Catastrophe Fuzzy Catastrophe Evaluation |
CLC | O159 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 160 |
Quotes | 0 |
Catastrophe theory converts the study of these processes of abrupt which intensively exist in nature and social phenomenon into study of concrete mathematical models. It’s a powerful tool of study in nature and social phenomenon. The theory and application of catastrophe have brought huge impact on people’s daily life.But in practical applications, if we directly use catastrophe theory to solve problems, we may not get the best result. Because the number of control variables, the potential function of the system and the outside controlling are always uncertainly.In order to solve the influence caused by these uncertainties, this paper presents a method for fuzzy dealing the potential function based on fuzzy math, and studies the two basic catastrophe models which have been fuzzy treated, getting results with broader spread of applicability. It’s a new way of study and application of catastrophe theory.At the same time, it presents a new fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on fuzzy math and traditional catastrophe series evaluation method, and it makes comparison of the new method and the original method. It also develops the theory of fuzzy math by studying the fuzzy number sequence, positive fuzzy number rooting and normalizing.