Dissertation > Economic > Economic planning and management > Enterprise economy > Enterprise planning and management decision - making > Corporate Administration > Personnel Management

The Design of Young Employees’ Incentive System in YC Electronic Technology Company

Author WangFang
Tutor SunWeiMin
School Shandong University
Course Industrial Engineering
Keywords Enterprise Young Employees Incentive System Design
CLC F272.92
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 79
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By the effects of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the global financial crisis spreads, the talent strategies of the enterprises in our country therefore have major changes. Apparently it can be seen that, in the context of the financial crisis, these key excellent employees is particularly important to the enterprises in our country. Young employees are the main force of the enterprise development. Paying attention to the cultivation and incentive of the youth, and forming the core competitiveness of the enterprise, are the basic work to solve the first resource of enterprise benefit maximization, also are back-up power of the enterprise to keep development in the future.YC electronic technology company belong to a large enterprise, the current electronics industry faces competition and challenge, how to design a set of scientific and effective young employees incentive management scheme, become the problems of electronic technology enterprise human resources development and team management to be solved. Therefore, this paper will based on YC electronics technology Co., have a case study of the young employees human resources development planning.Based on the incentive theory in related as the basis, learn the success experience of incentive work in other enterprises from the domestic and foreign, and combine the interview method, questionnaire method and material analysis to thoroughly analyzed the problem of the company, and on the basis of using the modern enterprise incentive theory and management thought, have pointed proposed YC company young employees incentive schemes, stable young staff, transfer the work enthusiasm, realize the future development planning. Through this paper, it hopes to design a reasonable set of young employees incentive scheme design, stimulate the enterprise youth the staffs working enthusiasm, form the incentive mechanism, effectively guide the direction of young worker, also hope to inspire the development to other enterprises. Through the relevant research and analysis in this article, we believe that if you want to really encourage the working enthusiasm, creativity and initiative of young employees, you must come to understand the real needs of the young employees, clear they really think. Therefore, in the process of new young employees’incentive system design, the enterprise must make a serious interview and questionnaire survey with meticulous to relate staff, through the analysis after feedback result, we can set up a set of effective incentive mechanism, so as to enhance the staffs working enthusiasm and the centripetal force effect to enterprise.

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