Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Radio equipment,telecommunications equipment > Antenna > Antenna: the band and the wave mode of transmission points

The Research of Microstrip Antenna for GPS Anti Jamming Navigation System

Author HuZeng
Tutor HanXiaoBing
School Xi'an University of Science and Technology
Course Communication and Information System
Keywords GPS microstrip antenna circular polarization miniaturized antennaarray
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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With the rapid development of GPS (Global Position System), we present higher andhigher performance for the GPS receiv antenna of mobile navigation devices. Themicrostrip antenna has good performance in terms of miniaturization, circular polarizationand wide-band.In a military item of upgrading GPS anti-jamming navigation system, we design amicrostrip antenna for GPS L1frequency1.57542GHz under the consider of thedimensions of the original GPS receiver. We used the method of opening a single slot in theedge of the radiating patch, and by selecting the appropriate feedpoint position to achieve aright-handed circularly polarized and miniaturization of the microstrip antenna. A model ofmicrostrip antenna is established by Ansoft HFSS,after simulation and optimization we getthe radiation patch size microstrip antenna is38.5mm, the gain is greater than1.4dB at theangle of60o, and the axial ratio is2.25dB. The simulation results show that the microstripantenna has a good hemisphere coverage and axis ratio reache the requirements of GPSanti-jamming system. A circular microstrip antenna array consisting of four units is buildand the layout of the unit is detemained by simulation, which achieve the requirements ofanti-jamming the navigation system in return loss, isolation and bandwidth.Agilent E8363B vector network analyzer and antenna test turntable SWZJ-5is used todebugging the microstrip antenna, the test results show that the effectiveness of the design,which meet the requirements of the anti-jamming GPS navigation system.

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