Research on Application of Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography-Sweeping with Amperometric Detection for Certain Drugs |
Author | WangXue |
Tutor | WengQianFeng |
School | Liaoning Normal University |
Course | Analytical Chemistry |
Keywords | capillary electrophoresis (CE) online sample concentration sulfonamides diethylstilbestrol |
CLC | O657.7 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 8 |
Quotes | 0 |
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is one of the separation techniques that develop fastrecent years, the injection volume develops from microliter level into nanoliter, make theseparation efficiency to millions of number of theoretical plates.It with the feature of smallamount of sample consumption, fast analysis speed, environment friendly, etc in the field ofpharmaceutical analysis and environmental analysis shows unique advantages. Sulfa drugs iswidely used as a kind of broad spectrum antibiotics, but it is illegal use have a negativeimpact to human health,so build high sensitive detection method for environment and foodmonitoring area is of great significance. Estrogens play an important role in animal hormones,non-steroidal synthetic estrogen, such as diethylstilbestrol, was suspected to be able to destroyhuman and animal reproductive ability, and can increase the risk of cancer and affect thedevelopment of the fetus and adolescent’s nerve, so the detection of diethylstilbestrol hascaused widely concern.Although capillary with high resolution, electrophoresis was limited in trace analysisbecause of its low sensitivity. Use different detector can improve the detection limit of the CE,but sample enrichment technology for analysis research hot spots. This paper is to improvethe capillary electrophoresis analysis of sulfa drugs and diethylstilbestrol, sweepingtechnology is studied to improve its sensitivity. The dissertation includes3chapters:Chapter1: PrefaceThis chapter presents the summary of capillary electrophoresis and its basic principle,capillary electrophoresis sample enrichment technology and research progress of sulfa drugsand estrogens.Chapter2: Separation and Determination of Sulfa Drugs by Micellar ElectricChromatography-SweepingIn this chapter, an MEKC was used to detect and analyze three sulfonamide antibiotics.Optimized experimental conditions were established. It was found that trimethoprim,sulfadiazine and sulfamethoxazole were well separated within15min in borate buffersolution (25mM) with40mmol/L SDS. The LODs of sulfonamides with amperometricdetection (AD) were4.9×10-8mol/L-1.8×10-7mol/L. The proposed method has been applied to the determination of sulfonamide residues in samples such as drugs and environmentalwater samples.Chapter3: Separation and Determination of Diethylstilbestrol by Micellar ElectrokineticChromatography-SweepingIn this chapter, a MEKC-sweeping technology combined with ampere detection fordetermination of diethylstilbestrol was built.30mmol/L of phosphoric acid was used toinhibit electroosmotic flow, and the neutral samples are enriched in the SDS micellar phase,until they are tested. The limit of detection was2.2x10-8mol/L, the other two commonestrogens were also examined. This method consume short analysis time and with highsensitivity, the sample without complex processing, and the method was successfully usedfor the determination of estrogens in fish samples.