Kant on happiness |
Author | FangPeng |
Tutor | ChengGuanZuo |
School | The Central Party School |
Course | Foreign Philosophy |
Keywords | Happiness Morality Perfection Rationality |
CLC | B516.31 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2010 |
Downloads | 259 |
Quotes | 0 |
Happiness has been the core concept of the traditional Western ethics , Kant , happiness in their ethics relative to morality , only a relatively minor position . To clarify the concept of happiness in Kant connotation and explore its causes, no doubt on our understanding of today's Western and even the survival of the world , ethical and political issues of critical importance . Mainly from Kant's ethics writings , discusses three meanings of Kant's concept of happiness in Kant's entire ethics system , and brief analysis of the causes of Kant's concept of happiness and give a proper evaluation . Paper is divided into three chapters : the first chapter details the three meanings of the concept of happiness in Kant , respectively, for the emotional well-being (ie natural happiness ) , rational happiness ( ie moral happiness ) and the divine happiness (ie YongFu ) ; Chapter II first described the general Kantian ethics system , including Kant double requirement of humanity , virtue and happiness diametrically opposed provisions and contents Telford consistent perfection doctrine and its postulates three , and clarify the happiness in which in what kind of position ; Chapter a brief description of the reason of the of Kantian ethics happiness doctrine and the doctrine of virtue relations , and its impact on future generations slightly evaluated on their . This paper attempts to show that Kant 's concept of happiness is mainly localized in the emotional level , rationally and sacred levels of happiness or just an analogy , or can only belong to God , and thus can not be called for the general people to pursue the kind of happiness . Therefore , such a concept of happiness in Kant 's moral core ethical system naturally only occupy a secondary position . The reason for this situation probably lies in the way we look at the natural and rational fundamental change certain practice life occupy a position higher than the contemplative life is such a fundamental change in the characterization . And , precisely because of such a virtue ethics of Kant , which makes the phenomena of the whole story of the world after Kant can be explained .