Feasibility Research of Mutual Recognition of the Values Measured by Different Examination Methods for Urinalysis for White Blood Cells and Red Blood Cells in Urine Samples |
Author | YuanSong |
Tutor | TangZhong |
School | North Sichuan Medical College |
Course | Internal Medicine |
Keywords | urine red blood cells urine white blood cells urine blood urine Leukocyte esterase mutual recognition of results |
CLC | R446.12 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2014 |
Downloads | 2 |
Quotes | 0 |
Objective: To study the feasibility of mutual recognition of valuesmeasured by different examination methods for urinalysis for white bloodcells and red blood cells in urine samples, values measured by differentexamination methods for urinalysis for white blood cells (WBCs) and redblood cells (RBCs) in urine samples were compared respectively.Methods:1.In this study, within-run precision, linearity, carryover rate wereanalyzed for RBCs and WBCs in urine samples that measured by threeAutomated Urine Sediments Analyzers and Fast-Read102counting chambers;2.The correlations between the results detected by two AutomatedDipstick Readers for Urinalysis for blood and leukocyte esterase in urinesamples were analyzed;3.The correlations between the results detected by AX-4280AutomatedDipstick Reader for Urinalysis for blood and leukocyte esterase in urinesamples and the values measured by three Automated Urine SedimentsAnalyzer and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs and WBCs in urinesamples were analyzed;4.The quantitative and qualitative results detected by three AutomatedUrine Sediments Analyzer and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCsand WBCs in urine samples were compared respectively;5.The quantitative and qualitative results detected by three examination systems for urinalysis and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs andWBCs in urine samples were compared respectively.6.Urine specimens were provided by407patients,all tests were finishedwithin two hours after collection.Result:1.Within-run reproducibility for the detection of RBCs and WBCs inurine samples using three Automated Urine Sediments Analyzer andFast-Read102counting chambers tended to have greater CVs (variablecoefficient) at lower concentrations. Overall, in the four test methods forurinalysis, except the AVE-766Automated Urine Sediments Analyzershowed poor within-run reproducibility, others showed fairly good within-runreproducibility, all showed good linearity and low carryover rate(Carryoverrate<5%)for the detection of RBCs and WBCs in urine samples;2.The results detected by two Automated Dipstick Readers for Urinalysisfor blood in urine samples showed positive correlations(gamma=0.880,P<0.01), and fairly good consistency(Cohen k=0.441, P<0.01). The resultsdetected by two Automated Dipstick Readers for Urinalysis for leukocyteesterase in urine samples showed positive correlations (gamma=0.818,P<0.01), but poor consistency(Cohen k=0.175, P<0.01);3.Positive correlations were obtained when comparing the resultsdetected by AX-4280Automated Dipstick Reader for Urinalysis for blood andleukocyte esterase in urine samples with the values measured by threeAutomated Urine Sediments Analyzer and Fast-Read102counting chambersfor RBCs and WBCs in urine samples respectively. The Spearman rankcorrelation coefficient are within0.5-0.6(P<0.01);4.The quantitative results detected by three Automated Urine Sediments Analyzers and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs and WBCs in urinesamples showed positive correlation(0.627≤gamma≤0.885,P<0.01),but poorconsistency(0.241≤Cohen k≤0.491,P<0.01).5.There were different diagnostic value, different diagnostic index anddifferent cut off when comparing the qualitative results detected by threeAutomated Urine Sediments Analyzer and Fast-Read102counting chambersfor RBCs and WBCs in urine samples.6.The quantitative results detected by three examination systems forurinalysis and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs and WBCs in urinesamples showed positive correlations (0.870≤gamma≤0.927,P<0.01) andfairly good consistency(0.408≤Cohen k≤0.630,P<0.01).7.There were good diagnostic value, good diagnostic index and similarcut off when comparing the qualitative results detected by three examinationsystems for urinalysis and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs andWBCs in urine samples respectively.Conclusion:1.The results detected by two Automated Dipstick Readers for Urinalysisfor blood and leukocyte esterase in urine samples cannot be replaced by eachother;2.The results detected by Automated Dipstick Reader for Urinalysis forblood and leukocyte esterase in urine samples unable substitute for the valuesmeasured by three Automated Urine Sediments Analyzer and Fast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs and WBCs in urine samples.3.The values measured by three Automated Urine Sediments Analyzercan not substitute for the results detected by Fast-Read102counting chambersfor RBCs and WBCs in urine samples, the Automated Urine Sediments Analyzers are suitable for the first screening to detect RBCs and WBCs inurine samples.4.The values measured by three examination systems for urinalysis andFast-Read102counting chambers for RBCs and WBCs in urine samples canpartly achieve mutual recognition.