Dissertation > Medicine, health > Internal Medicine > Heart, blood vessels ( circulatory ) disease > Abnormal blood pressure > Hypertension

Discussion Best Time of Small Bone Window Craniotomy Operaiton in Treatment of Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage in Basal Ganglia Area

Author WangLiang
Tutor HuangLuMao
School Anhui Medical University,
Course Neurosurgery
Keywords Small window craniotomy microsurgical operation basal ganglia hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage operation opportunity
CLC R544.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Objective Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HICH) is secondary tohypertension in primary intracerebral hemorrhagic disease, with high incidence rate,rapid progression of the disease, mortality and disability rate higher characteristic, iscurrently one of the most important diseases endangering the life and health of humanbeings. This paper is to use a different operation timing of small bone windowmicrosurgical operation in treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in basalganglia, explore the different operation time small craniotomy microsurgical operationin treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage and the relationship between ADL,GOS, to provide a standardized theoretical treatment of hypertensive cerebralhemorrhage. Further improve the level of treatment for this kind of patients, reduce themortality and disability rate, improve the quality of life.Method Experiment one:2008January~2012May72cases of hypertensive basalganglia intracerebral hemorrhage were treated with small bone window microsurgicaloperation treatment. According to the pathogenic-operation time is divided into:ultra-early group A (≤6h, early n=35), group B (7~24h, n=22) and late group Cgroup (≥24h, n=15) a total of three groups, based on recent curative effect (1monthspostoperation) evaluation, using the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS):1into death,2points for the vegetative state,3severe disability,4moderate disability,5in goodrecovery; statistical data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS, themeasurement data to mean+standard deviation said, by variance analysis, multiplebetween the two two groups was compared by analysis of variance. Count data expressed as a ratio, using X2test, P <0.05difference has statistics significance.Experiment two: the2008January~2012May72cases of hypertensive basal gangliaintracerebral hemorrhage were treated with small bone window microsurgicaloperation treatment. According to the pathogenic-operation time is divided into:ultra-early group A (≤6h, early n=35), group B (7~24h, n=22) and late group Cgroup (≥24h, n=15) a total of three groups, long-term curative effect (6months afteroperation), the activity of daily living scale (ADL) classification method to evaluatethe ability of survival: to resume normal life as a level1, can live independently orpartially restore the normal life as the2stage, people need help to walk for3, bed butalert level4, vegetative state for the5level. Using statistical software SPSS to analyzethe measurement data, the mean+standard deviation said, by variance analysis,multiple between the two two groups was compared by analysis of variance. Countdata expressed as a ratio, using X2test, P <0.05difference has statistics significance.Experiment three: three groups of postoperative pulmonary infection, stress ulcer,urinary tract infection, high blood glucose using statistical software SPSS to analysis,measurement data to mean+standard deviation said, by variance analysis, multiplebetween the two two groups was compared by analysis of variance. Count dataexpressed as a ratio, using X2test, P <0.05difference has statistics significance.Result In Experiment1, short-term curative effect of super early death group,vegetative state was significantly lower than the early group, the difference wasstatistically significant. Super early stage group (group A) death, vegetative state isrespectively2.9%,5.7%, significantly lower than the early group (group B), thedifference was statistically significant (x2=8.435, P <0.05).In experiment two, long-term efficacy of advanced group fully restored the ability ofdaily life, partially restored or can live independently is obviously lower than the earlygroup, the difference was statistically significant.: the late group (group C) completely restored the ability of daily life, partially restored or can live independentlyis respectively23.5%,29.4%, significantly lower than the early group (group A), thedifference was statistically significant (x2=8.763, P <0.05)Conclusion Small window craniotomy microsurgical operation in treatment ofhypertensive basal ganglia intracerebral hemorrhage is best operation time after onset≤6h.

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