Dissertation > Medicine, health > Internal Medicine > Systemic disease > Poisoning and chemical damage > Poisoning

Application of Modified SOFA Score on Evaluation of the Condition and Prognosis of Patients with Paraquat Poisoning

Author ZhangJie
Tutor LiXiaoGang
School Central South University
Course Clinical
Keywords Modified Sequential Organ Failure Acute ParaquatPoisoning Prognosis
CLC R595.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Objective The aim of this study is to validate the Modified Sequential Organ Failure Assessment calculated immediately after arrival on emergency department for assessing the prognosis of acute paraquat poisoning.Methods A retrospective study design, the Modified Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment, was employed along with33patients with acute paraquat poisoning enrolled from Central South University XiangYa Hospital emergency department. A total of33patients were enrolled in the study between Febr2010to Febr2013. These patients were divided into2groups,the survival group and the decease deceased group. Among the deceased group, there were2study groups, which divided within72hours and after72hours. With the establishment of the regression model, the score of Modified SOFA for prediction of prognosis in acute paraquat poisoning was compared and the relationship between mortality and modified SOFA was analyzed.Results Among survival group and death group,there was a statistically significant difference in WBC counts (P<0.05),but had no statistically significant different in clinical time (P<0.05) SOFA score and modified SOFA scores were took in logistic regression analysis model with Ln[R/(1-R)]=[R/(1-R)]=-6.915+1.113xSOFA, determination coefficient R=0.452. Modified scores was effective though take it into the regression analysis model back.Conclusion1. White blood cell count is an important factor that judge the severity and prognosis of paraquat poisoning at early.2.Modified SOFA score system is better to predict the prognosis of acute paraquat poisoning than the SOFA score system.

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