Dissertation > Medicine, health > Internal Medicine > Systemic disease > No clear cause of disease > Non-tropical sprue Behcet's disease

Retrospective Study of118Cases of Behcet's Disease

Author FanXinHua
Tutor ZhangHong
School Dalian Medical University
Course Clinical Stomatology
Keywords Behcet’s disease clinical feature Oral mucosal disease
CLC R597.9
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Objective:Based on the clinical data retrospective study on118cases of Behcet’sdisease,for the purpose of providing the clinical basis for the diagnosis andtreatment.,the author found out the pathogenesis of Behcet’s disease, the developmentand evolution rule of Behcet’s disease in the hospital he practiced.Method:According to ISGB diagnosis standard of118cases of Behcet’s patients’age, gender, disease duration, area, clinical manifestation, and laboratory indicators,using statistical methods to analyse and compare the relevant elements, to find the onsetregularity and characteristics of the disease.Result:118cases of Behcet’s patients,95.76%comes from the Dalian area,4.24%from other cities. The male and female ratio of1:1.95; average onset age36.57±14.58years old, the male average onset age40.58±14.2years old, the female averageonset age34.51±14.44years old.All of the patients, age of the highest incidence rateis31to40years old (24.58%), followed by21to30years old (22.03%) and again is41to50years old (18.64%). Meanwhile,all of these patients,33cases areCompletelyType (27.97%), and the rest85cases are Incomplete Type (72.03%).Average duration6.18±7.25years, of which the male was6.80±7.43years, femalewas5.86±7.19years, the shortest for10days, the longest as long as more than31years.Starting symptoms of the disease, patients with oral ulcer (65.25%), genital ulcer(5.93%), skin damages(Skin rash, folliculitis, changes in multiple furuncle swollen,acne, nodular erythema, etc) was16.1%and eye disease(Iridocyclitis, keratitis, scleritis,vitreous hemorrhage, retinal vasculitis, retinal vein occlusion, neovascularization ofretina and optic neuritis[1,2]) was4.24%. During the whole process of disease, theincidence of oral ulcer was100%, genital ulcer was76.27%, the lesions was78.81%,the eye lesions was38.13%, the joint loss of31.36%, fever (21.19%), anus weekulcer(4.24%), gastrointestinal and neurological damage were15.25%and2.54%respectively,6.78%other lesions, and1male patient was blind in the left eye, a slightsense of light, a sharp decline in visual acuity, and1case of female nerve Behcet’s disease death. and1female NBD death, other lesions was6.78%. Including oral ulcer,genital ulcers, skin damage and eye disease between male and female both havesignificant difference (p <0.05). Examination of118cases of skin prick reactions in26patients, the positive rate was61.54%. Laboratory testing elevated occurrence wereCRP (56.78%), ESR (46.51%), IgG (18.64%), C4(16.95%), antinuclear antibodies andantinuclear antibody titers (16.1%),the ASO (11.86%), C3(11.02%IgA (5.93%), andother projects. IgG, C3, ASO abnormal elevation of items between male and femalehave more significant differences (P <0.05). The estimated value of cases in followingwas lower than normal range:2cases of IgG,3cases of C3and1case of C4.Meanwhile,white blood cells (19.43%), the estimated value of the proportion ofneutrophils (22.03%) and platelet count (17.80%) was higher than the normal range, theproportion of lymphocytes (26.27%), red blood cell count (16.1%) and hemoglobin(28.81%),the detection value below the normal range.Conclusion:118patients with Behcet’s patients with an average age of onset of36.56years of age, occuring in20to40-year-old youth, more common in female.Starting symptoms of oral ulcers is characteristic clinical manifestations, of which,in thewhole process, the incidence is100%. The lab checked can be only regareded as aauxiliary diagnosis,and Behcet’s disease accumulate vital organs will belife-threatening.

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