Research on Relevance of TGF-β1and ICAM-1Expressions in the Rat's Lens Epithelial Cells with Traumatic Cataract |
Author | XuJiaYang |
Tutor | ShaoYan |
School | Dalian Medical University |
Course | Ophthalmology |
Keywords | Traumatic Cataract Transf orming growth factor-β1 Lens Epithelial Cells |
CLC | R776.1 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 9 |
Quotes | 0 |
Objective: Trau matic cataract involves a relatively complicated physiological andbiochemical development and evolution process, as a com pli catio n accompanying arich numerous of e ye tra umas. To a certain extent, traum atic cataract sh ares highlysimilar path og en esis with after-cataract. Objectively speaking, both are in essence aresult of trauma and stimulation to crystalline lens. Therefore, research on the pathogenesis to traumatic cataract is not only highly meaningful for the preventi on as well asdia gn osis and treatment of traumatic cataract but more importantly, plays a key role inpreserving good sight for post-surgery patuents by providing guidance to the preventionof after-cataract. In recent years, some cells relevant to the resultant of cataract havecaught close attention from the scientists. Transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1) canmake changes to cataract formation featuring abnormal arrangement and spindle-likedistribution of lens epithelial cell (LEC) as well as thickening of extracellular matrix.ICAM-1mediates attachment and adhesion between various cells and ECM andmeanwhile regulates biological behaveiors such as cell growth and differentiation aswell as extension and migrat ion. This experiment is aimed at exploring the relevancebetween TGF-β1and ICAM-1plus their association with cataract onset by observing the expressions of both on traumatic cataract LEC and thus providing potential theoreticalbasis for pathogenetic mechanism for traumatic cataract and offering new directions forclinical prevention and trea tment of cata ract.Methods: Select twenty healhty adult rats weighing280g±30g of either sex.Model group: rats with cataract as a result of pen etrating injury in the left eye; normalcontrol group: rats uninjured in the right eye. After the surgery, randomly select ratsfor four time sets (12h(0.5d),24h(1d),72h(3d),168h(7d)), with five rats in each set, andclosely observe the cloudy fibrosis degrees in each set. Assess the exp ressions and evolutions of TGF-β1and I CAM-1on the LEC via immunochemistry staining,analyze the relevance between TGF-β1and ICAM-1in each set, apply SPSS17.0to process the data, while P<0.05indicates that the variance is statistically meaningful.Results:1. Observe the evolution of traumatic cataract with slit lamp after settinggroups: rats normal control group remain clear in the LEC, while those in model grouphave crystalline lens with various extents of clarification, which evolve with passage oftime.12h(0.5d): Crystalline lens features slight nubecula in the penetration location;1d:nubecula gradually intensified, and manifests as pale white clouds;3d: nubeculaextends in area and intensifies in severity, displaying as white clouds and spots;3d: itdemonstrates large areas of white clots with nubecula. Afterwards, cataract fibrosisremains stablized in development.2. Examine the TGF-β1、 ICAM-1expressions in LEC viaimmunohistochemistry technology:①TGF-β1expre ssions in LEC: cert ain TGF-β1expr essions are visible in normal control group; the model grou p is marked by increasing positive expression ratio compared with the normal control group, and the variance is stat istically meaningful (t0.5d=5.269, t1d=9.610,t3d=20.857,t7d=31.790,P <0.05for all the sets); in the four time sets, T GF-β1in the model group graduallyinten sifies in exp ression (F=235.592, P<0.05; P<0.05for both groups via SNK);TGF-β1expr essions do not feature evid ent chan ges in the nor mal cont rol group(F=0.565, P>0.05).②ICAM-1expression in LEC: ICAM-1expressions are not visiblein nor mal con trol group, while ICAM-1posit ive exp ression ratio subs tan tially increases for various time sets in model group, and the variance is statistically meaningful(t0.5d=25.332, t1d=32.933,t3d=43.507,t7d=56.482, P<0.05for all the sets); in thefour time sets, ICAM-1expressions are increasingly evident in model group(F=92.383,P<0.05; P<0.05for both groups via SNK); the ICAM-1has no evident change innormal control group (F=0.047, P>0.05).③It is shown via the Pearson relevanceanalysis that TGF-β1expression in LEC is positively relevant to ICAM-1.Conclusions:1. Traumatic cataract pathology is expressed as abnormal changes in crystallin,abnormal fibrosis growth and extension in epithelial cell, and epithelial mesenchymalchanges.2. TGF-β1and ICAM-1expressions in LEC with traumatic cataract are highlymore substantial than model group, and the two are evidently relevant, indicating that when crystalline lens is stimulated by trauma, TGF-β1and ICAM-1are substantiallygenerated, jointly participating in the generation and development of traumatic cataract.