Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Electrotechnical > Transmission and distribution engineering, power network and power system > Power system automation > Automatically adjusts > Automatic adjustment of voltage and reactive power

Regional Power AVC Control Strategy

Author WangFeng
Tutor ChenZuoYong
School South China University of Technology
Course Electrical Engineering
Keywords AVC Control Strategy Operation benefit
CLC TM761.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Automatic Voltage Control (Automatic Voltage Control, AVC) is an important means to improve the power system voltage level and to promote economic benefits of power system. It advantages clear, but because of voltage and reactive power nonlinear characteristics unique to itself, so that they achieve a considerable complexity. Due to the development of computer technology, communications technology, network technology, as well as the popularity of power plant and substation automation, unity of AVC may of power network, and application of AVC system is also important means of reactive power integrated control technology.Currently the regional power grid construction is still in the preliminary stages of AVC, AVC control strategy also regional power grid is still in the early. In this paper, the actual background of regional power grid project to explore the regional power grid in the AVC control strategy from the principle of voltage regulation, reactive power optimization of control theory, AVC system architecture, AVC functional requirements, AVC system evaluation and other aspects, and according to local grid load characteristics put forward voltage and reactive power control to optimize the combination of centralized control voltage and reactive power optimization using dynamic programming optimization of reactive power extrapolated, In the network model proposed AVC system control time division method, according to the operation mode is divided reactive power control proposed regional approach, simplifying the network data model, and avoid the curse of dimensionality which caused by the dynamic programming, verify the feasibility of practical application of AVC. Based on the regional power grid of Jiangmen AVC operation effect evaluation, regional power grid AVC to improve power system operation efficiency, reduce the work intensity of the dispatcher, safety effect.

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