Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Cultural Theory

Wu Mi's cultural view and the founder of "Xueheng" magazine

Author LiJing
Tutor HanXing
School Shaanxi Normal University
Course Specialized History
Keywords Wu Mi The new humanism Chinese and western culture viewpoint <xue heng>
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Opened up a new era in our modern culture of the new culture movement, the May4th movement lays the social fundament. In modern Chinese history, the May4th new culture movement is the turning point of history, its influence is not enough to use a movement to measure. It breaks the old China dull dark atmosphere,ushered in the dawn of vitality. For the leader of the storm-Chen du xiu, hu shi, lu xun and others, they use words to get young students fresh energy, making China’s social and political, economic, and cultural change. In the field of culture, with the great and profound impact on the journal new youth they hold up to against the dictatorship and folly, the feudal moral codes, such as old ideas and advocate the new culture, new moral,theory thought to change China’s corruption and backward situation. The revolution spread to a wide range, ranging from large, far-reaching influence. In the national teenagers cheers, society gradually changed. First of all, the social fields appear the extremely phenomenon of hostility to the traditional culture and "hit the Confucianism", the slogan "to Confucius" emerge in endlessly. People blindly repel all traditional culture, they believe that as long as it is in the wester, it is correct and advanced. At the same time, some politicians are using Confucius to seek personal interest. In such cases, the trend of society towards two extremes-and restoring ancient ways is positive.In this paper, based on the above background, I put forward in to the other centrist-risein in the early20th century, they against extremism,but expecting Chinese culture to go to the equilibrium state. They are known as "xue heng pai"."xue heng pai" is composed of a group of like-minded scholars, they published their concepts in the journal of <xue heng>, so people name them. thus to debate the new culture as a representative of Hu shi. In "xue hengpai", both can be called heroes, and as one of the typical characters is Wu Mi. He insist on inherent culture ideas all of his life and use his actions to the secular challenge,"xue heng" is the testimony of his cultural practice. So I start from Wu Mi individual to study, through Wu Mi and "<xue heng>" exploring the background at the time of the western culture’s strong trend, Chinese and western culture fusion, hui-tongpai move on to a new road. This paper discussed roughly divided into three chapters:The first chapter:in this paper, I mainly write from the social environment and the regional environment of the growth of the Wu Mi. I think that the regional environment of personal growth and its acquired education to one’s personality is very impotent. so it is necessary to know about Wu Mi’s hometown. Followed by Wu Mi growth experiences in the process of time background, the so-called "a hero is known in the time of misfortune," at what ages will affect the development of the individual, or even a lifetime. Thus this chapter is base on the other two chapters.The secend chapter:by concrete analysis Wu Mi, We can better understand the May4th new culture movement. This chapter start from Wu Mi accept, western-style education, and I based on his published articles he thought the cause and the process change gradually formed its own cultural viewpoint, and try to tease out reasonable Wu Mi of Chinese and western cultural viewpoint. This chapter is the core of this article.The third chapter:By combined with the journal of <xue heng>, to show more specific Wu Mi between Chinese and western cultural viewpoint, and it successfully achieve to in theory and practice of combining. At the same time, the list of "xuehengpai" has had a huge impact, and contact Wu Mi close three representative-Hu Xian Su, MeiGuangDi, Liu yizheng articles published and get the reasonable analysis to prove that they promote the accuracy of Chinese and western cultural viewpoint. Finally, through to the the journal from its foundation to the end of this period of time, Wu Mi takes much time, energy and huge contribution to make people from the other side to know that he stick to culture effort and hard work. He wants to make people fully understand that he advocated cultural viewpoint.Special age make a unique person. Because of the May4th new culture movement, Chinese society appears great change,it also has created Wu Mi and his cultural view. And into the Wu Mi’s life, We not only see when the beginning of the20th century Chinese culture facing the culture shock, people choose the differences of culture road, more importantly, as a kind of tide force, how to avoid the drift, how can take a long look at the future with life attitude for us is commendable. The vitality of cultural need innovation, but it is unable to change the cultural foundation. At this point of view, the existence of academic criticism is really valuable.

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