Dissertation > History, geography > Cultural Relics and Archaeology > China 's Cultural Relics and Archaeology > A variety of supplies utensils > Musical heritage, theater relics

Study on the bell of music archaeology in Liaoning area

Author WangZuoXi
Tutor HeZhiLing
School Shenyang Conservatory of Music
Course Musicology
Keywords Liaoning region bell chime shapes culturalconnotation
CLC K875.5
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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ZhongQing, whose application marks the establishment of the Chinese ritessystem, is the representative of the “golden stone” music. It bears the profoundsocial, political, and cultural connotations, and is valuable in reflecting theancient Chinese musical culture actually.Liaoning is one of the earliest regions that human culture appeared, and itsname conceives the wish that Liao river stays in peace forever. This name wasgiven during the Republic peried in1929, but the regions have been the corecentres Youzhou and Yingzhou since Xia and Shang peried. Even dynastychanges, this regions remain out of the Central area of China, so the main culturecontains the local characteristics. According to unearthed relics and othermaterials in Liaoning area, Zhongqing in Liaoning derived from the same originof those in Central area, but their evolution are slower than those of the same agein Central area, which are distingusihed by Xianzhao relique in details.Among those few bell instruments unearthed in Liaoning region, halogen belland Big Sheng Nanlv bell actually reveal the historical feature of the musicculture, music system and casting technology, which are of high historical andartistic value. In this paper, details of the instruments are investigated bycomparing method, and the internal relations and essential characters aresummarized. According to the historical background, the relevant documents andentity material, social politics and culture connotation in that age are studied anda conclusion is carried out. Chimes in the Palace Museum of Shenyang are theimportant royal relics in early and middle peried of Qing dynasty, whichdemonstrate the Royal honour and provide reliable object materials for ourresearch on the Zhongqing culture of Qing dynasty.Lower Xiajiadian culture is the most representative archaeological culture inLiaoning region, and the stone chimes unearthed here are all derived from it. Forexample, the relics unearthed in Shuiquan, Beipiao and Harqin have similarfeatures. Lower Xiajiadian culture is closely connected with Shang culture, whichwas partially derived from the former. It inherited the tradition of the Hongshanculture, maintaining its unique features and learning from the advancedcivilization of neighboring areas, and entered the national civilized society earlier.It become an example of the civilization achievements of Yan Mountain in Xiaand Shang Dynasties. These traits have been shown in the stone chimes unearthedfrom Jianchang, Jianping, Beipiao, and KaLaQinQi of Inner Mongolia area.In this paper, I mainly discuss the bell instruments in Liaoning region,analyze its shape data, decoration, function, and production process, researchrelevant burial culture, musical archeology and music historian by comparingwith other similar instruments, and the archaeological documents and records areemployed for proofing. Consequently, the basic characteristics of the bell culturein Liaoning region is figured out, and the profound cultural connotation, historicalsignificance as well as the music cultural differences with other regions are revealed.

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