Dissertation > Philosophy, religion > Logic ( On Science ) > Logical theory and methodology > History of logic,logic history of ideas > History of logic

The Logical Analysis on Argumentation and Persuasion of Mohist

Author YaoMan
Tutor JinLi
School Zhejiang University
Course Logic
Keywords Mohist argumention the type of dialogue theory analogicalreasoning
CLC B81-092
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
Downloads 18
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During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Waring States Period, the Pre—Qin philosophers have tried to spread their thoughts, express their views and interpret their own truth. Mozi is a typical representative of the Pre—Qin philosophers. We can not only understand the Mohist rich language expression art, more importantly, we can make a more systematic and in-depth grasp of the essential factors in its argumentation culture by disinterring Mohist’s thoughts, characteristics and methods of argumentation. Based on informal logic and argumentation theory, applying Toulmin’s model of argument and Walton’s dialogue theory, this article investigates argumentation and persuasion of Mohist. This paper consists of the following five parts:The first part overviews the basic structure of The Mozi and research situation home and abroad of The Mozi’s argumentation.The second part focuses on three standards which are important sources of argument in the process of the Mohist argumentation.The third part tries to distinguish the types of the argumentation and persuasion in The Mozi,and generalizes the feature of different types, mainly according to the type of Walton’s dialogue theory.The four part makes a comprehensive analysis of argumentation’s methods which have been put forward by Mohist, and focuses on Pi, Yuan, Tui, Mou this four analogical reasonings.The five part summarizes the main features of the Mohist argumentation, and analyses this paper’s innovation and insufficient.

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