Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Mathematics

The Effective Teaching Study of the Mathematical Concept Lessons of Senior1

Author ZuoYanBing
Tutor XuRuoNing
School Guangzhou University
Course Subject Teaching
Keywords Mathematical concept class Effective teaching Teachingmethod Teaching strategy
CLC G633.6
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
Downloads 114
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In the mathematics knowledge system the concept is the mathematics thoughtcells, is derived mathematical theorem and the law of the mathematical logicfoundation, but also in the problem solving mathematical reasoning, prove thefoundation and theoretical basis, different levels of students need through the conceptclass to enter the higher levels of learning. However, in the practical teaching, theweight of the concept of practice light phenomenon is quite common, plus theshortage of the class with the requirements of the university entrance exam of theconflict between mathematical concepts to class teaching is facing many difficulties.How to improve the effectiveness of mathematics concept teaching, is an importantproblem of a lot of a line teachers who expect to solve.The essay puts forward some humble opinions which are based on high schoolnew curriculum standard as the basis, to APOS theory, constructivism theory, d fruit,base zone of proximal development education theory, emotional education ofcontemporary theories as the guide, combining the university entrance exam examoutline requirements, as well as my years of practical teaching experience, the use ofcase analysis, investigation and analysis methods, such as higher mathematics conceptteaching strategy has carried on the exploration.The full text is divided into three parts. The first part is mainly composed of thefirst chapter and the second chapter structure, mainly expounds the problems putforward and study mathematics concepts teaching effectiveness of some theoreticalbasis, and points out the purpose and meaning.The second part mainly consists of the third and fourth chapter. The third chapteris the ordinary middle school high level of students’ teaching present situation ofinvestigation and analysis, the conclusion about the improvement of mathematicalconcept teaching effectiveness of necessity. The fourth chapter thesis teaching presentsituation and the characteristics of mathematical concepts, the paper summarizessome improvement of math concepts teaching effectiveness of teaching strategies.The third part contains the fifth, sixth chapter of the composition. The fifthchapter using statistical analysis shows the effect of the experiment, it proves that theymentioned in this paper the teaching strategies on concept teaching positive influence.The sixth chapter is the conclusion of the summary, the analysis and reflection.

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