Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Chemistry

Research the Influence for Students Learning Chemical Reaction by the Learning Substance Reaction Laws in Senior High School Grade One

Author HuZuo
Tutor XieXiangLin
School Hunan Normal University
Course Subject Teaching
Keywords substance reaction rules learning of chemistry chemicalreaction effective teaching
CLC G633.8
Type Master's thesis
Year 2014
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In senior high school, grade one students usually find it difficult to learn chemistry, and one of the reasons is that there is a difference between the chemical knowledge in junior high school and that in senior high school. For this reason, the coherence of chemical teaching in grade one of senior high school has evolved into the research focus of chemical teaching in China’s senior high school. In this paper,substances classifying and the substances chemical reaction rules had been applied to connecting the chemical teaching. The researching results prove that these knowledge is basic that student take place thought in learning chemical reaction, and has influenced effectivelyforthat student learn substance reaction in senior high school. This research has solved the problem that students learn knowledge of element compounds without thinking logicallyin senior high school, and provided the theoretical foundation for teaching the knowledge of element compounds.In this paper, interview survey method is applied to exploring the influence exerted by learning of chemical reaction rules on students’ learning of element compounds and chemical reaction in grade one of senior high school. Interview survey finds that the influence exerted by the learning of substance reaction rules on the learning of chemical reaction is primarily embodied in three aspects. Firstly, substance reaction laws is thinking method of chemistry knowledge learning.Secondly, substance reaction laws study to improve the learning interest of chemical knowledge. Thirdly,substance reaction laws learning strategies affect the chemistry learning scheme.Additionally, in this paper, the influence exerted by the learning of substance reaction rules can be applied from four aspects, including being the foundation of chemistry learning, establishing the linkage courses for the classification of substance and its reaction rules in, grade one of senior high school, strengthening the linkage between the two, and positively cultivating student’s interest in learning substance reaction rules. Meanwhile, experimental teaching method is utilized to design specific teaching practice and test the value of this teaching strategy. As shown by the result that there is a significant difference between experimental group and control group, linkage teaching method has a significant effect on the learning of substance reaction rules as well as on student’s learning of the element compounds and chemical reaction in grade one of senior high school.

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